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There are series of papers studying the solvability of an incompressible, viscous, instationary fluid contained in a domian bounded entirely by a free surface. In 1977, Solonnikov proved its local solvability in a Holder space for any initial date but without surface tension. In 1984, he considered the same problem in a Sobolev space with surface tension being taken into account. In I992, Mogilevskii and Solonnikov treated the same problem in a Holder space, where the coefficient of surface tension is not a constant. There are also short-time existence results for the solvability of an incompressible, vicous, unsteady fluid bounded above by a free surface and below by a fixed bottom which approach horizontal planes at infinity. In 1981, Beale proved its local solvability in a Sobolev space for any initial date but without surface tension. In 1983, Allain were concerned with the same problem in R〓 with surface tension but under the assumption that the initial fluid domain was near a horizontal strip. In 1987, he obtained the same result without the preceding assumption. In 1996, Tani solved the same problem in R with surface tension. For the solvability of an incompressible viscous instationary fluid in Ω R bounded inside by a free surface S and outside by a rotating boundary S, in 1995 Ciuperca proved its local existence in a Sobolev space for any initial date but without surface tension. In this paper, we consider the same problem with surface tension.


The artificial intelligence which reflectsdisembodied cognition attitudes has three unexamined philosophical assumptions------psychological assumption, epistemological assumption and ontological assumption.


Assumption University of Thailand, Assumption University of Thailand, Bankok, Thailand.


But however small the units of which history takes cognisance, we feel that the assumption of a unit, disconnected from another, the assumption of a beginning of any phenomenon, and the assumption that the individual wills of all men find expression in the actions of a single historical personage are false in themselves.


He received a Bachelor of International Business Management degree from Assumption University and attaining a Master Degree in ABAC .


this paper discussed several untestable assumptions which were often used in epidemiologi-cal observational studies,and some paradoxical results that may arise under different assumptions were showed.simpson's paradox and lord's paradox were introduced.assumption of treatment assignment in causal inference of epidemiological studies,assumption of control group in evaluation of exposure ef-fects,and assumption of missing data mechanisms in incomplete data analysis were also discussed.


He minored in music at Assumption College in Worcester MA, where he played Division II basketball on a full athletic/academic scholarship.

他在Assumption College in Worcester MA兼修了音乐专业,在哪里他凭借参加二级篮球联赛获得全额奖学金。

Going-concern assumption: An assumption by accountants that a business will operate in the foreseeable future unless specific evidence suggests that this is not a reasonable assumption.


The other assumptions are the going-concern assumption, the accounting period assumption, and the stable money-unit assumption.


The 12 years old football team from the Assumption elite school in Thonburi, near Bangkok , is considered as Thailand 's best in its category. That reign ended on a miserable November 2005 day when the young stars with the red and white stripes jersey were sent to an humiliating 6-0 defeat...

来自泰国曼谷 Thonburi 地区 Assumption 高级足球学校的12岁球员组成的少年足球队,已经成为泰国最优秀的足球队,2005年11月身穿红白条球衣的年轻球星们以6:0的成绩证实了他们的实力。

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We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
