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The last such was between 1931 and 1945, and marked the end of Britain's financial ascendancy and its replacement by that of the United States.


Of fundamental power from the people and validates the ascendancy of an invisible government in the Unite States?


The competitive advantages lie on not only the capital powers, but also the ascendancy of the brands.


Objective To study the applied ascendancy of fiberoptic bronchoscopy in difficult endotracheal intubation.


Fourthly, the ascendancy of the rationalist religious faith of the burgher class symbolizes the modernizing transformation of social and religious values of Western Europe.


This Olympics also saw the ascendancy of notable American athletes Carl Lewis, who


It was now for more than the middle span of our allotted years that he had passed through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and, being of a wary ascendancy and self a man of a rare forecast, he had enjoined his heart to repress all motions of a rising choler and, by intercepting them with the readiest precaution, foster within his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at, rash judgers scorn and all find tolerable and but tolerable.

布卢姆已过人生之半途[190] ,历尽沧桑,系一谨慎民族之后裔,生就稀有的先见之明,遂抑制心中所冒怒气,最迅速慎重地克制住感情,告诫自己胸中要怀一"忍"字。心地卑鄙者对此加以嘲笑,性急之判断者藐视之,然而众人咸认为此乃稳妥之举。

"29 "When it leaveth the body, however, it will evince such ascendancy, and reveal such influence as no force on earth can equal.

" 30 "然而,一旦离开肉体,它便显示出如此的支配力,展现出如此的影响力,以至任何尘世的力量都无法与之匹敌。

In truth, the ardor, the enthusiasm, and the imperiousness of my disposition, soon rendered me a marked character among my schoolmates, and by slow, but nat ural gradations, gave me an ascendancy over all not greatly older than myself;-- over all with a single exception.


This ascendancy of the milder school in moral theology over the more rigorous gained new impetus when Alphonsus was canonized and when the Church pointed out in particular that Divine Providence had raised him up as a bulwark against the errors of Jansenism, and that by his numerous writings he had blazed a more reliable path which the guides of souls might safely follow amid the conflicting opinions either too lax or too strict.


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He knows that he's one of the mostdominant players in the NBA right now.


Using analysis method of BCG , the dissertation analyzed the management of voluntary service organizations .


A caret is a mark place below a line to show where something should be put in .
