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与 arm 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ARM processor technology application completely manual (1) eager to understand the ARM technology friends,...


The Ian Drew of marketing vice president of ARM expresses, ubuntu can help newest ARM processor product, will quicken can link a network, super- frivolous can carry type plant gain ground, and be opposite with the collaboration of Canonical development of the function at these online platform device, innovation is helpful.

ARM的行销副总裁Ian Drew表示,Ubuntu能够支援最新的ARM处理器产品,将加速可连网、超轻薄可携式装置的普及,而与Canonical的合作对於这些上网平台装置的功能、创新发展有帮助。

Secondly, the platform of IPTV set-top box named DM6446 is introduced, and then the AVS video coding standard which is implemented as the video coding standard of IPTV is introduced. The kernel architecture, peripheral devices of DM6446 and the key technique of AVS video coding such as transformation, quantization, intra-prediction, inter-prediction, interpolation, and loop filter is introduced in detail. Thirdly, the system procedures of set-top box which are implemented on the ARM side of DM6446 are introduced in detail. This part focuses on the demultiplex of audio and video data, the design of data interface, the playback of audio and video, and the communication between ARM and DSP. Fourthly, the loop filter algorithm of AVS video coding standard is introduced in full detail, and the optimized procedures of the algorithm on the DSP side of DM6446 are introduced, and then the optimized results are presented. Fifthly, the thesis introduces and analyzes the state-of-art technique of deblocking filter, and proposes a deblocking method, and then the results of proposed method are given. Finally, summarize of this thesis and further development is given.

首先对IPTV技术、视频编解码技术以及去块滤波技术做了简要介绍;然后介绍了IPTV机顶盒的实现平台DM6446,并介绍了该处理器的外围接口和内核结构,同时介绍了作为本IPTV系统视频标准的AVS第二部分视频标准,以及该标准中变换量化、帧内预测、帧间预测、插值和环路滤波等多个模块的算法;接着,详细介绍了机顶盒系统相应程序在DM6446 ARM核上的实现,重点介绍了音视频系统码流的解复用、数据接口设计、音视频的播放以及ARM核与DSP核之间的通信;然后,详细介绍了AVS视频标准中环路滤波算法及该算法在DM6446 C64+内核上的优化,并给出优化结果;然后对去块滤波算法进行了研究并提出了一种环路滤波方案,同时给出了此方案的实验结果;最后总结了本文的工作,并提出了可以改进的方向。

This paper brought forward some new design schemes based on the principle and signal processing algorithm of velocity detector, and introduced the hardware construction of the velocity detector based on Depolarizer and S3C2410A microprocessor. The high-efficient ARM program of radical 4-FFT was designed according to the architecture characters of ARM core. In the process of code designing, the instruction scheduling and register allocation were controlled subtly, and the fixed-point number's storage format and computing method of float number were provided. Barrel shifter and 5-lever pipeline were fully utilized and the pipeline interlock was avoided.


ARM have numerous characteristics ,such as expansile system structure, low-power, low-cost and the support for real time multitask .Applying ARM to the design of medical instruments matches the trend that medical instruments are developing towards minimization and portability.

论文摘要: ARM具有体系结构可扩展、功耗低、成本低和支持实时多任务等特点,将ARM应用于医疗仪器的设计符合医疗仪器便携化、一体化的发展趋势。

The network based on the ARM and the TCP/IP stack of uClinux provides the on-line GIS mo rnito ring system w ith stable communications and interchangeability. The ARM kernel in the embedded system p rovides a stable on2line monito ring system w ith real2time p rocessing capability and extendability.

应用测试结果表明:基于 ARM 和 uClinux 中TCPIP 协议栈的以太网通信,可以实现 GIS 在线监测系统的互操作性,并保证在通信功能上的长期稳定性;以 ARM 为核心的嵌入式系统硬件,可以保证监测装置的稳定性、实时性和可扩充性。

Based on the arm processor chips with excellent performance and declining prices advantages in intelligence testing equipment in many areas, it has been increasingly wide application, the purpose of this study is the integration ARM applications developed by wave trap filter test hardware platforms, and in this hardware platforms used in the software design.


ARC1(arm repeat containing 1 ) is a very important downstream protein factor in sporophytic self- incompatible signaling process. It is made up of arm repeat domain, U-box domain, leucine zipper domain/ coiled-coil domain, one nuclear localization signal and two nuclear export signal, arm repeat domain and U-box domain are main functional domain.

臂重复蛋白ARC1(arm repeat containing1,ARC1)是孢子体型自交不亲和信号传导途径下游非常重要的蛋白质因子,由臂重复结构域、U-box结构域、亮氨酸拉链/卷曲螺旋结构域、1个核定位信号和2个核输出信号组成,其中臂重复结构域和U-box结构域起主要功能。

This system uses the control style of serial communication. The connection control between the ARM embedded system and the CPLD replaces of the control between computer and CPLD, because the utilization of ARM intellectualizes the system and simplifies the program. The utilization of CTLD increases the pin numbers connected with the peripheral device.


Coombs didn't disclose exactly which ARM licensees are ready for Netbook market but out of those famous manufacturers such as STMicroelectronics, NEC, Samsung, Texas Instruments, Nvidia is believed to take a lead to extend existing ARM Cortex technology into this market.

库姆斯没有透露到底是哪ARM的持牌人准备Netbook市场,但在这些著名的制造商,如意法半导体, NEC ,三星,德州仪器, Nvidia公司认为,起带头作用,以扩大现有的ARM Cortex技术进入这一市场。

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I'll Break Your Arm
Arm And Hammer
Twist My Arm
The Ship On His Arm
On Your Arm
Arm The Masses
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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
