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argue against相关的网络例句

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与 argue against 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Off-label prescribing is very often the standard of care," and companies should be able to give doctors "truthful, non-misleading information" about such uses, said Daniel Troy, a former FDA chief counsel who previously helped argue against the agency in a major suit over restrictions on off-label promotion.


So a streak that has always been there in the American right\'s world-view -- to deny reality, and argue against a demonic phantasm of their own creation -- has swollen.


I do not argue against or wish to deny those in physicality the opportunity to enjoy life.


It is ironic that these tracts (which were supposed to argue "against Popery and Dissent") would lead some of the writers and readers into embracing the Roman Catholic Church.


Purists argue against such thing as an "Asian model" since the region'sdevelopment is diverse: Hong Kong enjoyed a raucously free economy;Singapore a tightly controlled one.


The leftist and the rightist scholars argue against each other when they discuss the issue of the marriage between power and market. Some said that the husband is the good one, but the wife is bad.


But the safety position of some areas of Asia are not optimistic , including need to embedded argue against the terroristic battle .


The first two sections argue against the belief theory of perception and the judgment theory of perception.


This covert appreciation of images in dangerous insofar as it accepts not a dialectical relation between political and formal meaning, not their nterpenetration, but a hazier, more reified relation, one in which topicality drops away as epochs fade, and the aesthetic aspect is, if anything, enhanced by the loss of specific reference (although there remains, perhaps, a cushioning backdrop of vague social sentiments limiting the 'mysteriousness' of the image) I would argue against the possibility of a nonidological aesthetic; any response to an image is inevitably rooted in social knowledge- specifically, in social understanding of cultural product.

l s1 o6 A8 l( R$ D7 E)|7 }$}迄今为止,这样的想法已经把对作品的鉴赏力引向了危险的境地,因为它接受的不是政治意义与正式意义之间的辨证关系,不是两者之间互相渗透的关系,而是一种更危险更实在的关系,其中最明显的就是随着几个重要时代的消褪而衰败,就美学角度来说,如果任何事物,因丢失具体的参考文献而被强调出来(尽管这些文献是存在的,可能一股当时社会含糊不请的氛围造成了缓冲力从而限制了作品的神秘性)我一定会反对一种叫非智慧美学的可能性,一幅作品的任何反应都必然植根于社会的知识形态,尤其是社会对文化产物的理解

What you need to know is that it's almost impossible to grow up in any social environment and not acquire some negatively charged beliefs that would argue against success or accumulating vast sums of money.


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If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
