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与 arcane 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I had to work hard to master the arcane rules of Admiralty Law, which I took only because I wanted to have a course taught by Charles Black, an eloquent, courtly Texan who was well liked and respected by the students and who was especially fond of Hillary.


She has access to all manner of arcane knowledge that even I do not.


Ama,"Am I the first to find this Arcane fortress?"


It is not because of a new GUI or some other arcane feature.


And all the arcane things are there for everybody to look at.


Marks, it's just Aimed shot, arcane shot, silencing shot, multishot, arcane shot, autoshot gg (switching the order if the lock sees me first to arcane shot, silencing shot so he cant stop my aimed shot, and so on).


On fights with a lot of running around, M'uru maybe, Arcane's dps should be higher. Arcane will probably require more skill because of it.


On fights with a lot of running around, M'uru maybe, Arcane's dps should be higher. Arcane will probably require more skill because of it.


Unlike arcane spellcasting wizards, psions and psychic warriors do not have "power" books and do not prepare powers --- in some ways, psionic characters are akin to arcane sorcerers, who cast spells on the fly.


In short, 5 points in this talent will mean your Polymorphs, Arcane Missile volleys and Arcane Explosions will get initially resisted 10% less.


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The Arcane

May Fod bless us all.


I want to be rest assured that you maintain an impeccable status because I do not want any troubles afterwards.


Ceng Xuan says " I am leader Yahoo optimal person selected " Yang Zhiyuan, one year much lieutenancy is full of twist.
