英语人>网络例句>aid 相关的网络例句
与 aid 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you aid and abet someone, you act as an accomplice to a crime.

若说你「aid and abet」某人,就表示你是共犯。

Come / go to sb's aid = come / go to the aid of sb.


One sunny Sunday afternoon on the road from a gig in Taipei to Basic Aid '09 (an annual charity concert held on a Puli mountain top), Wounded Night publicist/film maker Keith Duggan suggested arriving early to catch the Taichung band Hodala's act.

在一个风和日丽的周日下午,从台北到2009 Basic Aid演唱的路上(每年在风景明媚的埔里山顶举行的慈善音乐会),狩夜的经纪人与电影制作人Keith Duggan建议提早到达埔里以便赶上台中Hodala乐团的表演。

Still another program for international students at Mizzou is called Curators Grant-in-Aid Program.

还有一个针对在密苏里大学国际学生的资助计划叫做Curators Grant-in-Aid计划。

But I can't help but see this kerfuffle as evidence of either the beginning of the end of all that's good in the world or (pause for sip of Obama-flavored Kool-Aid) the return of power-to-the-people engagement.


However, because Popsicle is a branded name, like Band-Aid or Kleenex, it couldn't be used in the game.


To some, it is a delusional concept full of lollypop dreams and gullible "kool-aid" drinking.

对一些人来说这是一个妄想概念lollypop的梦想和轻信"的Kool - Aid"饮用水充分。

Yo mama so fat, she put on a red tee shirt and all the little kids said "Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid".

哟妈妈这么胖,她把一个红色的衬衫和发球的所有小朋友说:的Kool - Aid ,的

Average atmospheric pressure, degradation of visibility, daily temperature difference and water-vapour pressure were closely associated with the prevalence of tracheobronchitis. AID can be used to established early-alarming and prediction model.


This in vivo study was to examine the historical changes of implanted novel chitosan/collagen composite barrier for confirming the clinical feasibility. Four other commercial GTR membranes were chosen for comparison. Among the resorbable GTR membranes, BioMend Extend and Peri-Aid are collagen base, and GORE-TEX OSSEOQUEST is synthesized membrane, while GORE-TEX e-PTFE (Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) is synthesized but non-resorbable. Beagle dogs were used as animal model. Buccal mucoperiosteal flaps were reflected in the bilateral mandibular premolar and molar areas. Buccal alveolar bone was reduced on 1st、2nd premolar and molar to a level 5 mm apical to the cemento-enemel junction. Root surface was denuded of periodontal ligament and cementum, and notches were placed at the bone level of each root. The tested GTR barriers were implanted in critical bone defect areas. Flaps were coronally positioned and sutured. Two beagle dogs were sacrificed each time as the designed time period after surgery. Histological and histometirc evaluation at 7 days、14 days、28 days、3 months were performed post-operatively to determine the healing response of each treatment modality.

本研究之目的在评估与工研院生医中心合作发展出可吸收性去乙醯几丁聚醣/胶原蛋白复合之组织导引再生膜片,并选择与可吸收性之BioMend Extend 及Peri-Aid 胶原蛋白膜片,和GORE-TEX OSSEOQUEST 合成高分子膜片,及不可吸收之GORE-TEX e-PTFE合成高分子膜片,等其他四种市售商品材料共同对照评估,应用8只年龄为12个月的雄性小猎犬,均分4组(分别为7天、14天、28天、3个月),为动物活体评估模式,在实验犬之左、右下颚第一、二小臼齿及大臼齿的颊侧区制造骨缺损后,分别植入组织导引再生膜片,依实验设定时间将小猎犬牺牲,取下缺损区骨头,以光学显微镜观察量测其牙垩质再生高度与齿槽骨再生高度之变化,以探讨其组织再生模式及评估新膜片在临床应用之适用性。

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Slag Aid
Drink The Kool-Aid
Purple Kool-Aid
Band Aid
Kool-Aid & Frozen Pizza
Ladies Aid Society
Farm Aid Song

I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
