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与 active 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a participator, Computer Active is publishing a download link.

作为合作方, Computer Active 发布了一个下载的链接,你可以下载软件,然后到这个网页注册。

Blocks Active X, provides bad active list and protection from them.

大厦的Active X ,提供了积极的坏名单和保护他们。

First confirmed your machine has been installed on VC6.0 versions, to build generating executable files, Suffix required to open the document called DSW, the system will default VC opened, then select Build menu under Set Active Configuration options Project Configuration options for Win32 Release. then compile the project, to be executable.

首先确认您的机器上已经安装了VC6.0以上版本,要编译生成可执行文件,需打开后缀名为dsw的文件,系统会默认用VC打开,然后选择Build菜单下的Set Active Configuration选项,选择Project Configuration为Win32 Release,然后编译项目,得到可执行文件。

First of all, make sure that your machine has been installed above VC6.0 to compile the executable file to generate the need to open the dsw file name suffix, the system will default to open with VC, and then select the Build menu, Set Active Configuration under the option, Project Configuration options for the Win32 Release, and then compile the project, the executable file.

首先确认您的机器上已经安装了VC6.0以上版本,要编译生成可执行文件,需打开后缀名为dsw的文件,系统会默认用VC打开,然后选择Build菜单下的Set Active Configuration选项,选择Project Configuration为Win32 Release,然后编译项目,得到可执行文件。

When an AP DS0 is in the ACTIVE state, it is available to be used by an application.

当apds0处于active 状态时,可以用于某个应用程序。

A green indicator on the screen means that the normal key set is currently active.A red indicator on the screen means that the alternate key set is currently active.


Effective August 1, 1981, the Army Overseas Service Ribbon is awarded to all members of the Active Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve in an active Reserve status for successful completion of overseas tours if the tour is not recognized by the award of a service or campaign medal.


Software Description: About Active SuperStore, Build an e-commerce application with Active Superstore.

Active SuperStore 通过这个软件你可以创建你自己的一个电子商务应用程序。

The active contour model is a powerful image segmentation method for representing image contour, but it has three severe difficulties. First, active contour model highly depends on its initial position. Second, active contour model lacks the ability to handle boundary concavities.

动态轮廓模型(active contour model; ACM)是一种功效强大的影像分割描绘方法,但却具有三个严重的缺点:第一、此模型非常依赖待描绘图形的起始位置,第二、此模型缺乏进入图形凹陷处的能力,第三、此模型有停滞在局部能量极小值的倾向。

For reconstruction from contours, this dissertation uses Active Contour Model to check the boundary contours. The algorithm can generate single, continuous and close contours quickly. For reconstruction from voxel, this dissertation presents an algorithm to trace the boundary contours from segmented regions based on Active Contour Model. The algorithm can trace the contours of inter and outer connected multi-regions correctly and accurately, and can prevent tracing from jumping out to the neighbor region, also can define the contour precision and contour key points actively as snake is growing up.

对于基于轮廓线的表面重建,利用主动轮廓模型(Active Model,又称Snake Model)来完成断层图象上目标轮廓的提取,可以获得单象素连通的封闭的目标边界轮廓;针对基于体素的表面重建中实施了分割后的体数据,提出了一种基于主动轮廓模型完成二值图象中轮廓跟踪记录的方法,可以对同属于重建目标的内外邻接多区域进行正确和准确的边界轮廓跟踪,使得在跟踪当前轮廓时不会跨越到相邻轮廓,且主动轮廓的精度可以根据参数交互决定,尤其是能够在主动轮廓成长的同时主动定义轮廓关键点。

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Active Vulcanoes
Get Active
Active Kingz
Cali Iz Active

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
