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a bit相关的网络例句

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与 a bit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Imagine the sound of a cello when you say, Beddy bada bida bedder budder (Betty bought a bit of better butter) and you'll be close to the native way of saying it.

想象一个大提琴的声音,同时说"Beddy bada bida bedder budder (Betty bought a bit of better butter)",你就会非常接近地道的说法。

Right through such an 8 bit byte of operation for a bit, and a bit of transmission unit...


Right through such an 8 bit byte of operation for a bit, and a bit of transmission units and judgment.


Where HIGH-BIT is a bit mask with only the most-significant bit set.

这里的 HIGH-BIT 是一个只有最大有效位元设定的位元遮罩。

I lived in China for 3.5 years, so my tastes changed a bit in this time, I don't eat a lot of Western food anymore, its over-priced in Shanghai. I'm always happy to eat 7RMB Lanzhuo lamian rather than spend 100 RMB on some stupid pizza.

A: 我在上海生活了3年半,所以我的口味也跟着有些改变,在上海西餐吃得很少,上海的西餐太贵了,我宁愿花7元去吃一托盘兰州拉面也不愿意花100元去吃一个PIZZA。

However, the 3 groups from medium A exhibited the highest microbial diversity and best decolorization results with 99.53% and 97.42% color removal rate of Reactive Red M-3BE and Acid Red. From them, 16 strains of fungi were isolated and primarily identified as Saprolegniaceae, Eurotiaceae, Erysiphaceae and Physodermataceae . Fungi groups from medium B and D exhibited a bit lower color removal rate of various dyes and only 3 and 2 isolates primarily classified as Saccharomycetaceae and Eurotiaceae were obtained from them. Fungi cultures in medium A and B could produce lignin peroxidase, and those in medium D could be detected higher activity of laccase. All the fungal cultures exhibited very weak activity of manganese dependant peroxidase.


The best beat was when that Blair bloke, got a bit gobby .

会议最高潮是当布莱尔, got a bit gobby 。

Moreover, the actual allele frequency of most varieties deviates far from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. All PPB、na 、I、h、Gi and Fst have proved to be the references to elucidate that ISSR is a most powerful tool to analyze genetic diversity, compared with the RAPD marker and the allozyme marker is less strong ordinally. We could divided the 70 samples into A, B, C, D and E five groups using three methods according to genetic distance clustering. There is a bit displacement for few varieties in different clustering maps, but the most are similar to morphological analysis despite that there is still a great difference among cultivars in the same one group. The above results imply that the three methods have the different sensitivity and resolution in genetic distance analysis of close varieties. The Mantel test indicates that the results from the three kinds of markers have the significant correlation, which demonstrates that the number of the used three kinds of markers is enough to exactly detect the diversity of all 70 samples to ideal extent. And these methods can be used to evaluate the diversity of the whole group using the miscellaneous samples instead of the individual sample, of the Gerbera jamesonii are mainly from tissue culture plants. In conclusion, the above study results provide a reference for the application of three kinds of molecular markers to molecular marker-assisted breeding of flower. 2. The genetic diversity among the eight introduced cut-flower varieties of Ranunculus asiatica was analyzed by the ISSR markers. Based on the genetic clustering tree, all the colorful flower varieties are clustered into one group, and the white flower varieties into another group. Moreover, among the former group the yellow flower varieties are clustered into one sub-group, and the reddish flower varieties, such as rose color, pink, nacarat, are clusetered into another sub-group.

由三种分子标记的分析结果可以看出,等位基因平均值、观察杂合度、Fis值、Fit值皆较高,表明非洲菊等位基因较丰富,杂合基因偏多,且绝大部份品种的实际等位基因频率在品种内偏离了Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium;PP8、na、Ⅰ、h、Gi及Fst皆表明,ISSR检测遗传多样性的能力最强,其次是RAPD,等位酶最低;根据遗传距离进行聚类,三种方法都把70个品种分成A、B、C、D、E五个大组,每一组中除少数品种发生位移外,大部份品种分类结果相似,且与形态分析结果有相似性,但在每一组中,品种间的聚类差别较大,表明这三种方法在近距离品种间检测遗传变异时灵敏度及分辨力不同;Mantel检测表明,三种标记的分析结果有显著相关性,表明所用的三种分子方法的标记数量已经可以相对无偏地检测到70个品种间遗传变异;非洲菊为组培苗,三种标记的检测结果皆表明,混合样品可以作为个体样品的代表,对整个居群的遗传多样性进行评价;这些研究结果可为三种分子标记方法在花卉分子辅助育种中的进一步应用提供借鉴。

In order to get a timeable test case, I concatenated 110 copies of an article I wrote to get a file a bit over 2MB, and about 41k lines and 300k words.


When I originally recorded this section of "A Change of Seasons," I used simpler voicings in a few places. For the purpose of this study, however, I made them a bit more interesting. For example, on the record I played a simple Em chord in bar 9, but here I decided to use Em(add9) instead. Both work well, but I feel Em(add9) is more dramatic. On the original "A Change Of Seasons," I repeated the Asus2 chord in bar 6 that I played in bar 2. Here, I substituted it with an open-string Amaj9 voicing.

但我最初在录A CHANGE OF SEASONS中的这个部分的时候,我在几个地方用了更简单的声音,而这种研究的意图,无论如何,我让它们变得更加有意思,举个例子,在录音的时候,我在9品的地方弹一个简单的EM和弦,但最后我又决定用一个EM(ADD9)和弦来取代,虽然效果都行,但是我觉得EM(ADD9)更加有色彩,在原来的A CHANGE OF SEASONS里面,我在弹第二节的时候重复了两遍第6品的ASUS2和弦,现在,我却用一个开放按法的Amaj9和弦取代了它。

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Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But...
Wasn't It A Bit Like Now?
A Bit Old-Fashioned
Sleeping Village/A Bit Of Finger
A Bit Of Earth
Every Time We Live Together We Die A Bit More
This Wont Hurt A Bit
A Bit Of Muslin
A Bit Of Truth
Baby Gets Around A Bit

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
