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a band of相关的网络例句

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与 a band of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A redshift can be measured when light from a galaxy is broken up and spread out into a band of colors called a spectrum.


Wu renyao: hello,hello, hello. Every villager, for a xing as well as our tomorrow village, i, wu renyao, decide to organize a band with identity of prince of durain to participate Sir Fruit Competition.

吴仁耀:喂喂喂,各位乡民们,为了阿星以及为了我们明日乡,我吴仁耀决定以榴槤王子的身份呢组一个 band 去参加水果先生的选拔大赛。

A member of the EZ band, he was always present at all of Wakin's concerts.

阿匡老师是EZ Band的一份子,在华健的大大小小的演唱会中,一定会看到他。

And the watchman on the tower in Jezreel saw Jehu and his band coming, and said, I see a band of people.


An. minimus A and C can be visually distinguished according to the specific bands in agarose gel. For ASA, specific bands of 294bp and 112bp represent An. minimus A and C, respectively. In RFLP, three fragments of 376bp, 268bp and 108bp were observed for An. minimus A, while only a band in 376bp for An.


Palo Santo will present a variety of Latin American music; Puka Soncco will perform traditional Peruvian music; the Andes band will bring you a fascinating glimpse of the rhythms, instruments and traditional costumes of Latin American.

卡德隆的草原民族钢琴合奏团的强劲组合为您献上原汁原味的加勒比海「凡丹高」音乐,Palo Santo即场演绎多首风格迥异的拉丁美洲乐曲,Puka Soncco谱出动人秘鲁传统乐章,还有Andes Band的热带音乐,带您进入拉丁美洲奇异音乐旅程。

The lengths of both A and I bands increased with the sarcomere length, the A band increasing even more markedly than the I band.


Anis Joplin sang of her sadness. The Beatles showed there were a range of emotion between love and hate. Then came The Band, mixing the traditional ideas of country and western music into the more radical "city" ideas of the hard rock.

AMS JOPLIN 唱出了她的悲伤,甲壳虫表现了对爱与恨的一系列敏锐的感受;其后出现的 The Band 乐队,融较为传统的乡村概念和西部音乐于一体,开更具激进的城市硬摇滚的先河。

In 2003, fate brought Jukai and Don together. The two were able to interact and interchange ideas and works, through the help of Coolmack Net. Not only were the two of them admiring each other's work, but they also discovered that they shared much similarity in the usage and creativity of the Adobe Illustrator. That was where it all started. In order for them to communicate and share their ideas much effectively, they discussed the possibility of setting up a website together. Then came the creation of their VI – Djebala. In the very beginning, Djebala was only meant to use for identifying the creation of Jukai and Don. However, it stormed the virtual design community with awes over a very short period of time and created itself a band of the vivid followers. Through these unexpected success and events, as well as all the interactions and support, Djebala grew stronger and gradually evolved into a complete "Graphic Design and Creativity Workgroup." Now, Djebala is not just aiming to create a website, it has grown much larger and greater goals.

秉持著这样的想法,2003年底某个偶然的机会,Jukai与小董两人在台湾一个著名的网路设计论坛「舞动影像」上进行了交流,其中除了彼此欣赏对方的作品外,发现在使用Adobe Illustrator软体绘制向量插图上,两人也有许多共同的理念,为了进一步提高两人作品在网路上提供浏览的方便性,於是逐步思考架设一个「联合个人作品网站」的可能,进而共同设计开发出一个VI─「djebala 激芭乐」,来作为此网站的整体视觉规划识别,真可谓无心插柳柳成阴,一路走来,受到了各种刺激与支持、有志之士的加入与合作,激芭乐渐渐演变成为一个完整的「图像设计创作团队」,凭藉著网路上连结起的同伴合作与交流,持续精进成长,朝向了一个远远比架设网站更大规模的目标迈进!

ConA, a kind of lectin, can agglutinate human erythrocytes, binds with Band 3 through oligosaccharide chain.

这些表明红细胞膜骨架可能在机械信号从Band 3到GLUT1的传递中起的作用并不大。

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The Story Of A Rock And Roll Band

In this paper, the requirement analysis, design and implementation of the system are introduced in detail.


In the context of economic globalization is increasingly deepening, China's economy can not be spared.


Results:(1)Increased expression of ICAM-1 appeared in cultured endothelial cells after anoxia and enhanced after reoxygenation.
