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与 Zeus 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baucis and Philemon As was the common practice with the gods of Olympus,Zeus and Hermes were visiting the world in disguise.


A son of Zeus to be exact.


This does not bode well, I fear Zeus is no longer the brother i once knew.


" Let us mix this thickened Boeotian air with the dark voluptuousness of the Etruscans; such as a reality would then extort from us a world of myths in which Uranus, Kronos and Zeus and the struggles of the Titans would seem like a relief; in this brooding atmosphere, combat is salvation and deliverance, the cruelty of the victory is the pinnacle of life's jubilation...."

具言为在 Hesiod 文字的沉闷空气中,诸神的战争似乎是一种救赎。这样的文化氛围下,现实生活中的战争似乎也是一种救赎,在胜利当中饱尝的血腥成了生命喜悦的最高点。一个暴露在战争和残忍下的世界让人感到对存在的厌恶,已至觉得存在是一种惩罚,存在等于负债。

Epimetheus explained that the box was a trap sent by Zeus, but Pandora was too angry to listen.


Neptune, the sea-god, made strong bronze gates with heavy bolts and bars, to keep the giants down, while Zeus sent Briareus and his brothers, three giants with fifty heads and a hundred hands each, to stand guard over them.


Neptune,the sea-god,made strong bronze gates with heavy bolts and bars,to keep the giants down,while Zeus sent Briareus and his brothers,three giants with fifty heads and ahundred hands each,to stand guard over them.


Bolts and bars, to keep the giants down, while Zeus sent Briareus and hisbrothers, three giants with fifty heads and a hundred hands each, to stand guardover them.this cavern. This one who was not shut in with the others was Atlas, whose


Neptune, the sea-god, made strong bronze gates with heavy bolts bars, to keep the giants down, while Zeus sent Briareus his brothers, three giants with fifty heads a hundred hands each, to stand guard over them.

泰坦们将巨石砸裂, 8t t t8.com 扔向诸神,宙斯则将霹雳和雷电投掷到各处。整个天空立刻火光闪耀,海水沸腾,大地震动,森林2起火,并开始燃烧。

Lycaon had also one daughter Callisto, who became one of the loves of Zeus and the mother of Arcas.


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Hey Zeus! The Dungeon

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I hope you can acquire blessedness...
