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与 Zeus 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god,zeus himself included,was safe from his evils.at one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and suchburning love was awakened in him for the human maiden psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg zeus for justice.anothe***mousstory where eros played an important part was the argonautic expedition.medea,daughter of king aeetes,was wounded by eros'' arrows,took jason''s part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero''s wife.


Though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god,zeus himself included,was safe from his evils.at one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and suchburning love was awakened in him for the human maiden psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg zeus for justice.another famousstory where eros played an important part was the argonautic expedition.medea,daughter of king aeetes,was wounded by eros'' arrows,took jason''s part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero''s wife.

尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括宙斯在内,能逃避他的恶作剧。有一次这位淘气的精灵被自己的箭射中。对人间少女普赛克炽热的爱在他心中复苏,以致于他不顾他母亲的干预,鼓起勇气让宙斯给予公正评判。厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。美狄亚,国王埃厄忒斯的女儿,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起寻觅金羊毛,最后成为这位英雄的妻子。-作者:过去 2005年01月14日,星期五 20:15 加入博采

Though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god ,zeus himself included ,was safe from his evils.at one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and suchburning love was awakened in him for the human maiden psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg zeus for justice.another famousstory where eros played an important part was the argonautic expedition.medea ,daughter of king aeetes ,was wounded by eros'' arrows,took jason''s part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero''s wife.


Dionysus dionysus was the god of wine.he was the son of zeus by semele.when 你好s mother was burnt to death in the glory of zeus.he was still ahelpless infant.你好s father trusted 你好s upbringing to some mountain fairy maidens.they tookthe greatest care of 你好m.under the tutors你好p of silennus,the satyr,he was introduced to all the secrets of nature and the culture of the wine.he travelled far and wide in 你好s carriage drawn by wild beasts.he was said to have been to india and et你好opia.wherever he went,there was music and song and revelling.你好sattendants,known as the bacchantes,were noted for their noiseand disorder.a most wild,noisy crow,they drank,danced andsang in acareless way.the women bacchantes were infamous for their excessive immodesty and disgraceful excitement.in their madness and intoxication they committed cruel violence.they tore orpheus,the gifted musician,limb from limb.king pentheus of thebes,for frowning on the wors你好p of bacchus in 你好s kingdom,suffered the same treatme nt at the hands of aband of these fanatical women,of whom 你好s own mother was the leader.


GAIA :The death of ZEUS .if you relent ZEUS will revent you still he will not rest until you live .and you die his brother HADES will torture you for all eternally, he will have no rest until you destroyed him .

盖亚: 宙斯的死亡,如果你对宙斯留情,只要你还活着,他就不会放过你,你死后,他的兄弟哈迪斯将继续永远的折磨你,他毁灭了并且焚烧了你可爱的斯巴达,这场战争才刚刚开始,第一次大战快到来了

Innana would train the female slaves in ways that pleasured Zeus; all of this was hidden from Athena, but Innana felt she understood Zeus in her own pursuit of a series of slave lovers.

Innana 则为女奴隶训练取乐宙斯的方式。所有这些都瞒住了雅典娜,但 Innana 在自己对一系列奴隶情人的追求中,感到能理解宙斯。

The supreme Being of heaven, or of all that is comprehended under this name, is Zeus, for it is by heaven that Zeus gives life to all things.


Zeus then turned Io into a beautiful white little cow to avoid Hera. But Hera saw through the trick, she asked zeus for the cow and let Argus, a one hundred-eyed monster to observe her so that she would not run away.Argus' eyes were ever open and nothing could escape them.


It was Hermes who liberated Io, the lover of Zeus, from the hundred-eyed giant Argus, who had been ordered by Hera, the jealous wife of Zeus, to watch over her.


Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of lydia.son ofzeus by a fairy maiden,he was greatly favored by the gods.he was invited to share wine and food with them at their banquets,and he was let into their secrets .but ever the latter end of joy is woe .either because he had stolen wine orgave away the secrets of zeus,or because he had become so proud as to test the gods by serving up the flesh of his son pelopsto them,he incurred the wrath of zeus and was hurled down to the everlasting darkness of tartarus .there he was made tostand up to his chin in a little lake,with clusters of luscious fruits hanging over and around his head.he strove eternally to drink the ever-evading water and to clutch at the delicious fruits which were ever tossed out of his reach by blasts of wind.thus he was doomed to endure endless burning thirst and bitter hunger in the world of the shades.the whole occurrence has given rise to the expression"tantalizing",meaning somethng inplain view but unattainable .


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Hey Zeus! The Dungeon

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
