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与 Nancy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nancy found the ABBA CD at home, and we are playing it right now.


Nancy Collop, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, told Medscape,"It is most interesting to have data that confirm how prevalent insomnia is in patients with asthma and how this is really a public health concern because there are risks associated with daytime sleepiness — accidents, for example." Dr. Collop, who was not involved in the study, said the first therapeutic approach should be "asthma control. I really think that improved asthma control could help a number of these problems."

马里兰巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学医学副教授Nancy Collop医师向Medscape表示,最有意义的是这项试验确立了气喘病患中失眠是多么常见的,而且因为这与白天嗜睡的风险,例如意外发生有关,因此这确实是公共卫生的一大隐忧;Collop医师没有参与这项试验,她表示,第一个应该做的治疗方式是控制气喘,她认为,改善对气喘的控制的确对这些问题是有帮助的。

Nancy Collop, MD, a pulmonologist and associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, called the study's finding of increased sedative use in nonobese patients "unique."

巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯大学肺脏学家及医学副教授Nancy Collop医师,称该研究对於非肥胖患者服用安眠药的发现是「独特之见解」。

"The premise of the study appears to be that not everyone can go to a sleep lab," Nancy Collop, MD, a pulmonologist and associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, told Medscape.

马里兰巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学医学院医学副教授,同时也是胸腔医学专家的Nancy Collop医师向Medscape表示,这项试验的前提显然并不是每位病患都需要到睡眠实验室。

Kristen lived with her parents, ten miles out in the country, but once she became Strawberry Queen she moved in with cosmetologist Nancy Rupp, who helped her style her hair early each morning. In 2001, a woman named Sandee Sytsma took over co rdination of the Strawberry Queen program.

以前,Kristen和她父母住在10英里之外乡下,但她刚当选为草莓皇后她就搬到镇上和每天一大早帮她打理发型的化妆师Nancy Rupp住在一起了。2001年,一个名叫Sandee Sytsma的女士开始负责草莓皇后选美比赛的协调工作。

There is a new book called,"The Preacher and the Presidents" by Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy.

有一本描写他的新书,叫做"一位讲道者和总统们,"是 Nancy Gibbs 和 Michael Duffy 合写的。

You can call me Nancy and I'm extroverted!


Unbeknownst to most listeners,"Hitchhiker" and "Holiday" were reworked originals dating back to Checkfirld's early your as a 'folky' trio on the san Diego nightclub circuit with the aforementioned Nancy Hartmann.

大多数听众所不知道的是,"Hitchhiker"和"Holiday"是由当年与Nancy Hartmann组成的"民谣"三人组,做San Diego的酒吧里巡回演出的曲目改编而成的。

Nancy:A gold digger is a name for a person who dates someone just because they have money.

Victor:原来 Nancy 要表达的并不是淘金者单纯的字面意思,哦,而是那种拜金主义的 Nancy 人。

According to evolutionary psychologist Nancy Etcoff, the need for scenery is hard-wired into us.

通过进化心理学家Nancy Etcoff的观点,人类对风景的需要和我们是紧密联系的。

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Nancy (With The Laughing Face)
Seems So Long Ago, Nancy
Nancy's Minuet
The Nancy & Mary Music
For Nancy
Nancy Boy
Nancy Drew
Knuckle Sandwich Nancy
Shut Up Nancy

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
