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Her own version of Lyndon's great social programmes began, as her Aunt Effie had begun with her , by "opening spirit to beauty".


The largest crowd for any previous inauguration was 1.2m in 1965, after Lyndon Johnson annihilated Barry Goldwater.


Here, Jeff Lyndon, VP of China Operation of Interzone Entertainment will show you some state of the art social community websites and social community applications built around games.


Those were my life when Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were in the White House.

我太老了没有考虑短期的浪漫关系,我生活在Lyndon Johnson和Richard Nixon在白宫主政的时代。

That happened at the inauguration of President Lyndon Johnson in nineteen sixty-five.

那次发生在1965年的Lyndon Johnson总统的就职典礼上。

There is film of Eleanor Roosevelt's and Lyndon B.

其中还引用了Eleanor Roosevelt's和 Lyndon B。

I am too old to consider short-term romantic events. Those were my life when Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were in the White House.

我太老了没有考虑短期的浪漫关系,我生活在Lyndon Johnson和Richard Nixon在白宫主政的时代。

Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day.

最后,在1966年由Lyndon Johnson总统签署了一份宣言,宣布六月的第三个星期天是&父亲节&。

"In March 1968 President Lyndon Johnson dropped one of the biggest bombshells ever dropped in American politics when he announced that he would not run for re-election because of the Vietnam War."

1968年3月,Lyndon Johnson总统对美国政坛宣布了一个令人震惊的消息,他说他将不参加再次的选举,因为越南战争。

Truly attention-demanding is this Vibe freestyle sofa from Lyndon Craig, an Australian designer.

由澳大利亚设计师Lyndon Craig设计的这款自由式沙发,着实吸引着我们的眼球。

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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?