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The author goes beyond Jackson's lyrics, gestures, and singing vocals, analyzing those non verbal vocalizations of Jackson's "whoops, yelps, grunts, squeals," etc., and there is a definite, decipherable "Hoo or Ow!" that is indentified with Jackson.


In 1916, Jefferson Medical College offered Jackson the Professorship of Laryngology and by 1924, he achieved the position of Professor of Bronchoesophagology and Department Head.

我国著名耳鼻咽喉科专家徐荫祥教授曾于1940- 1941年赴美国费城坦伯尔大学从师Jackson教授,专门学习气管食管学,回国后曾将Jackson赠送的食管镜一直存放在北京同仁医院耳鼻咽喉科门诊的器械柜内。

Jackson family lawyer Osman said that Jackson is in Los Angeles荷尔贝in his rented home in Hill fell to the ground, and his brother Randy in his side.


Speaking in an interview with Fox News, Michael Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, said he wished his son was around to see the public outpour ing of affection since he died.

迈克尔·杰克逊的父亲Joe Jackson在接受福克斯新闻频道的采访时表示,他但愿他的儿子还能看到歌迷们对他的热爱。

Jackson claims that it follows from physicalism, understood this way, that "any psychological fact about our world is entailed by the physical nature of our world."(Jackson, 1993, 131, our emphasis).

Jackson认为跟随物理主义这样理解:"任何关于我们世界的心理事实,都蕴涵在我们世界的物理nature里"(Jackson, 1993, 131,重点符号是这里加的)。

The theatrics were right out of the reggie jackson playbook, the bat traveling only a few hundred feet short of the tape-measure blast that completed back-to-back-to-back homers on consecutive pitches by the bottom of the dodgers batting order in the second inning.

这甩棒动作就像拿reggie jackson的剧本来用一样(译注:reggie jackson,名人堂球员,洋基的十月先生,1974年世界大赛道奇对洋基第六战,reggie jackson连续三个打席都在第一球挥击,而且3次都打出全垒打,让洋基在那场封王。

Jackson - generally considered a strong defensive player - was unable to prevent a critical two-run triple to left during the series (in fact, during the series three triples were hit to left where Jackson was playing, despite the fact that most triples get hit to right or right-center).

Jackson -普遍认为是个防守很好的球员-无法守下一只关键性带有两分打点的三垒安打在这一系列赛事中(事实上,在这系列比赛当中三只三垒安打落在Jackson防守的左外野,然而大部分的三垒打确实都落在右外野或中右外野方向)。

"They watch the show with my mother, religiously," Jermaine revealed to OK!, and added that the kids and the entire Jackson clan was rooting for Donny Osmond, as the Jackson and Osmond families have been friends for years.

&他们跟我的母亲一起收看此节目,&杰梅因透露,并补充说,孩子们和整个Jackson家族都喜欢Donny Osmond,因为杰克逊和Donny Osmond家庭多年来一直是朋友。

Jackson and his brothers, both as the Jackson 5 and later simply as the Jacksons, made up one of the most appealing and popular rhythm-and-blues acts of the '70s.

Jackson和他的兄弟们组成团体&Jackson 5&,后干脆就叫做&the Jacksons&。他们共同创造了七十年代最引人入胜和最受欢迎的节奏布鲁斯表演。

But after his father's unexpected death it has emerged that Michael Jackson's son, Prince Michael Jackson I had become the defacto family leader, according to at least one former Jackson family employee.

但是在他的父亲意外的逝世后,Michael Jackson的儿子出现了,Prince成为实际上的家族领导者,根据至少一位以前Jackson家族的雇员。

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Michael Jackson
Jackson Cannery
Solid Jackson
Jackson Cage
Halley Came To Jackson
Jackson Hole
To Jackson
Nathaniel B. Jackson

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。