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It is visionaries such as Wenger and the evergreen Sir Alex Ferguson who have resisted this calamity.


The Denmark goalkeeper was a key member of United's all-conquering sides of the 90s and Ferguson described him as "the bargain of the century".


"I don't want any complications with Wayne's broken foot - especially with a band wagon gathering pace to get him to the World Cup come hell or high water," Ferguson told the News of the World.


The breech-loading rifle was invented by Captain Patrick Ferguson of Pitfours, Scotland.

该膛装步枪发明由队长帕特里克弗格森的pitfours ,苏格兰。

Meanwhile, the departure of Manchester United team doctor Mike Stone from Old Trafford after 10 years remains unclear beyond the fact that he had a major bust-up with Sir Alex Ferguson.

同时,曼联队主治队医Mike Stone 在为曼联工作了10年之后是否会宣布离开仍然是个谜团,事件的起因也许是因为他和主教练弗格森之间的矛盾。

Ronaldo himself was cautioned for diving in Sunday's Carling Cup final, a booking that outraged Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson, as the winger had clearly been fouled by Spurs' Ledley King.


They have agreed new deals," said Ferguson, of Brown, Carrick and Ferdinand."


Alex Ferguson's side clinched the crown on Saturday with a goalless draw against Arsenal, and while Reina has graciously congratulated the Old Trafford club on their success, the Spain goalkeeper has declared the Reds will be ready to fight it out next campaign.

弗格森的球队上周六0 - 0战平阿森纳后夺得联赛冠军,雷纳也向曼联表示了祝贺,西班牙门将宣称红军已经准备好来年夺冠了。

Sir Alex Ferguson and his players have used their time in South Africa to wish Nelson Mandela a happy eighty-eighth birthday, visit an orphanage and a children's hospital and generally put themselves at the disposal of the great unwashed.


The Bianconeri trained in the morning today, supervised by assistant coach Damiano, because Ranieri had to travel to Nyon to attend the Club Elite Manager Forum, alongside the crème de la crème of European football, including Ferguson, Wenger, Guardiola, Advocaat, Scolari and Klinsmann.


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Ferguson Road

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
