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与 Douglas-Home 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In England, Johnny Douglas was the primary arranger and conductor for the series, but Hill Bowen, Bob Sharples, and Geraldo made frequent contributions.

英格兰的Johnny Douglas担任此系列节目的首任编曲和指挥,Hill Bowen,Bob Sharples和Geraldo也作出大量贡献。

Skipper Douglas was next to see yellow - on 65 minutes - after Gillingham's Graham fouled Carole and escaped with only a free-kick.

在65分钟的时候,客队MF Douglas吃到了黄牌,主队Graham一次可以吃红的犯规,裁判只给了客队一个任意球。

There is a recession on. It can be fatal for politicians, moreover, when their errors are colourful or smack of satire—just ask Douglas Hogg, a Tory grandee who announced he would not stand for re-election after it emerged that he had billed Parliament for, among other things, the cleaning of his moat.

这对于政客而言是致命的,尤其,当他们所犯的错误不止一种或有讽刺意味时——Douglas Hogg就是个很好的例子,他已宣布在下次大选时辞去议员职位,这个保守党的贵族竟让议会给其别墅的清洁费买单,腐败可见一斑。

Advises oncologist and homeopath Douglas Brodie, MD, of Reno, Nevada.

Douglas Brodie ,肿瘤学专家,顺势医疗家,医学博士,内华达州,里诺

The students are part of " Social Action" class and are taught by a TPAWS co-founder Douglas Jarvie who is an English Professor at Dong Hai University.

这些学生就是所谓'社会行动'课程的一部分,这门课由东海大学英语教授 Douglas Jarvie 授课,他同时也是 TPAWS 的创办人之一。

Douglas Kell, a researcher at the University of Manchester in Britain, has already created a computer model based on metabolite profiles in blood plasma that can single out pregnant women who are developing pre-eclampsia, or dangerously high blood pressure.

英国曼彻斯特大学研究员Douglas Kell已经创建了一个基于血浆代谢物形态的电脑模型,这个电脑模型可以甄别正在形成先兆子痫或危险高血压的怀孕妇女。

Douglas Melton and Kevin Eggan want to use donated eggs, which they would inject with DNA from a disease-stricken person.

Douglas Melton 和 Kevin Eggan 想要使用这些捐赠的卵子,给它们注射一个生有某种疾病的人的 DNA 。

Two partners with great illusions, Aurelio Montes and Douglas Murray, both holding long-standing experience in the wine industry, were certain Chile could improve on the quality it was producing at the time.

Aurelio Montes和Douglas Murray怀着美好的憧憬,凭借在葡萄酒界多年的经验,坚信智利能够在质量上改善它那时的生产。

User Douglas Muth in the August 11, I work in the computer industry 10 time.

网友Douglas Muth在8月11日称,我在计算机行业工作10年时间了。

Netizen Douglas Muth said on August 11, I work 10 years in computer industry time.

网友Douglas Muth在8月11日称,我在计算机行业工作10年时间了。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
