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The vote was open to all, and almost 3m people paid 2 ($3) to take part. The main rival to the 58-year-old Mr Bersani was Dario Franceschini, a former Christian Democrat who stepped in when the previous leader, Walter Veltroni, resigned in February after a disastrous showing in a regional election.


Asked Josef Schlarmann, a senior figure in Germany's governing Christian Democrat Party, on the eve of a visit by George Papandreou, the Greek Prime Minister. Selling everything he owns to pay his creditors, that's what.


His replacement, Edmundo Pérez Yoma, is a plain-speaking and experienced Christian Democrat who as defence minister in the 1990s oversaw the departure as army commander of General Augusto Pinochet, the former dictator.


The main rival to the 58-year-old Mr Bersani was Dario Franceschini, a former Christian Democrat who stepped in when the previous leader, Walter Veltroni, resigned in February after a disastrous showing in a regional election.


S Social Democratic Party agreed to nominate Frank-Walter Steinmeier as its candidate for chancellor. Mr Steinmeier will take on the Christian Democrat incumbent, Angela Merkel, in next September's federal election.

施泰因迈尔(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)获社会民主党总理候选人提名,将在明年9月举行的联邦议会选举中挑战基督教民主党领导人现任总理安格拉·默克尔。

Germany 's Social Democratic Party agreed to nominate Frank-Walter Steinmeier as its candidate for chancellor. Mr Steinmeier will take on the Christian Democrat incumbent, Angela Merkel, in next September's federal election. See article

瓦尔特·施泰因迈尔( Frank-Walter Steinmeier )获社会民主党总理候选人提名,将在明年9月举行的联邦议会选举中挑战基督教民主党领导人现任总理安格拉·默克尔。

Eduardo Frei, a Christian Democrat who was Chile's president from 1994-2000 and is the official Concertación candidate, trailed on 28%, while Marco Enríquez-Ominami, a dissident Socialist congressman standing as an independent, had 17%.

同时,持不同意见的社会党国会议员Marco Enríquez-Ominami以无党派人士身分参选,拿下17%选票。

The introduction of full gay marriage is both " unnecessary and vulnerable to constitutional challenge ", according to the group chaired by former Progressive Democrat TD Anne Colley.

据由前民主党议员Anne Colley主持的专家小组说,引入同性恋婚姻既"没必要也易受宪法的挑战"。

In their presentation to the Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Nonproliferation, both Chairman Chris Cox and Ranking Democrat Norm Dicks urged that their Committee Report,"US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with People's Republic of China"(US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, Report of the Select Committee, committed to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and "declassified", in part, pursuant to House Resolution 9, as amended, 106th Congress, 1st Session, http://www.house gov/coxreport/) not be interpreted as an indictment of the People's Republic of China -- but rather an Indictment of the United States Government for allowing the PRC to acquire information and techno


In their presentation to the Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Nonproliferation, both Chairman Chris Cox and Ranking Democrat Norm Dicks urged that their Committee Report,"US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with People's Republic of China"(US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, Report of the Select Committee, committed to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and "declassified", in part, pursuant to House Resolution 9, as amended, 106th Congress, 1st Session, http://www.house gov/coxreport/) not be interpreted as an indictment of the People's Republic of China -- but rather an Indictment of the United States Government for allowing the PRC to "acquire information and technology, including sensitive national security secrets."


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Jesus Was A Democrat

He knows that he's one of the mostdominant players in the NBA right now.


Using analysis method of BCG , the dissertation analyzed the management of voluntary service organizations .


A caret is a mark place below a line to show where something should be put in .
