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与 Asian 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The plans include division into four different biozones: Central Asian Steppe, The Arctic Pole, Asian Temperate Forest and Central Asian Mountain.


We used Reactionary Regionalism from Beeson as the core basis and used test method to deeply analyze East Asian regional development and address a case study to observe and analyze the following regional development of East Asian countries to extend and add interpretation of the difference of Reactionary Regionalism and address a more complete point of view. We expected to bring up more detailed point of view deeply and precisely to study East Asian regional integration development.


And increase the independence and recognition of East Asian countries. Mark Beeson supposed that East Asian regional development influenced by several factors including internal diversity and external interference of U.S. While East Asian countries faced external impact, they excluded the external power of U.S and reinforce the independence of East Asian region.

对此Mark Beeson认为东亚区域发展本身已有内部分歧性与外部美国介入因素影响,当东亚面临到外在事件冲击后,从中排除外部美国势力并加强东亚区域的自主性,是种有别於欧洲、美洲的区域发展途径,Beeson称之为「回应性区域主义」。

Climatic gradients were based on data sets from 841 meteorological stations throughout China. Definitions for floristic distributional patterns were based upon the work of Prof. Z. Y. Wu. Most of these floristic distributional patterns were strongly correlated with the geographic gradients in climate, except for cosmopolitan, cultivated and invasive genera. Tropical genera form a large fraction of the total genera (ranging from 0.84% to 94.38% in the regional floras) with the highest proportion in southern Yunnan and Hainan Island. Tropical genera occur predominantly in southern China of 0° N latitude and decreased with increasing latitude, as would be expected. Interestingly, the disjunct Tropical Asia and Tropical America distribution were not restricted to southern latitudes. Temperate genera account for 5.1% to 98.83% of the total genera in regional floras with the highest proportion in the province of Xinjiang. Most of these genera followed geographic gradients in climate as expected (temperate genera conspicuously dominate the landscape at higher latitudes), except the East Asian and North American disjunct distribution, Eastern Asian distribution and Chinese endemic distribution. Generally, most plant genera demonstrated some correlation with climatic and geographic gradients. The most important gradients were those of annual air temperature and precipitation. A small fraction did not demonstrate significantly particular pattern:"Cosmopolitan","East Asian and North American disjunct","Eastern Asian" and "Chinese endemic" distributions. The North Temperate distribution had the highest correlation with mean annual air temperature and precipitation.


The Magyar forces, light cavalrymen who used Central Asian-style bows, quickly conquered the Slavs, whom they either assimilated or enslaved.

马扎尔人的军队,主要由轻骑兵组成,他们使用中亚式样(CENTRAL ASIAN-STYLE)的弓箭,很快就征服了当地的斯拉夫人,斯拉夫人不是被同化就是变为奴隶。

Asian Games referred to as the Asian Games,is Asia's largest games,held every four years,worldwide.as,and sattle will be held at the summer Olympics.Originally in the hosting of the Asian Games Federation,1982by the Olympic Council of Asia.Since 1951,the first began,so far has organised.The International Olympic Committee recognized the Asian Games as an official in Asia Games.


Asian Games referred to as the Asian Games,is Asia's largest games,held every four years,worldwide.as,and sattle will be held at the summer Olympics.Originally in the hosting of the Asian Games Federation,1982by the Olympic Council of Asia.Since 1951,the first began,so far has organised.The International Olympic Committee recognized the Asian Games as an official in Asia Games.


A lot of films come from Asian Silvers/PDVD and these are tagged by the people

很多从Asian Silvers/PDVD来的电影带有制作人的标记。

A lot of films come from Asian Silers/PDD and these are tagged by the people responsible.

很多从Asian Silers/PDD来的电影带有制作人的标记。

The imponderables are huge," states DeLisle, who also teaches at the University's Center for East Asian Studies ."

除法学院外,戴杰教授还在宾夕法尼亚大学东亚研究学院( Center for East Asian Studies )任教。

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Asian Moon
Asian Rut
Barely Asian At The Beefcake Horizon
We're All Asian
Asian Hooker

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
