


Mysterious men ...they make promise they have no intension of keeping, they tell lies to get what they want, they may be more dangerous than they seem. Yes, our mothers told us: we can not trust the men we don't know...And those we do know? Well, we can't always trust them either.

神秘人,他们的诺言从没想过要兑现。为了目的而编制各种谎言。表面之下,是深藏不露的危险。没错,妈妈告诉过我们,不要相信陌生人,那如果是认识的人呢? 恐怕同样要半信半疑。

People make choices every day. And those choices are what define us. Some of us choose to be loyal, though we are angry and hurt. Some of us choose to be brave, though we are frightened out of our minds. Others choose to strike out when they could have walked away. But what about the poor people who are trapped by circumstance? What happens to those who have no choice left?


As they pulled away. Susan looked out the street she loved so much. A street where parents could raise their children, where retirees could enjoy their golden years, where good friends could share horrible secrets. Yes, Susan looked on this street and vowed she would be back...But as she did so...she didn't notice the car that passed her ...a car carrying Wisteria Lane's newest resident.


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