歌词 "Through The Glass" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Through The Glass



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I thought you'd see me through the glass, 我以为你会看到我透过玻璃,

But you only caught your reflection. 但你只抓到你的倒影。

I hoped you'd hear me through the noise, 我希望你会听到我度过了噪音,

Of the street poles and fire 街头电线杆和火


But no, no, no, 但是,不,不,不,

You didn't notice. 你没注意到。


I tried to care for a while, 我试着照顾了一段时间,

But I don't feel the connection. 但我不觉得连接。

I'd settle for a broken heart, 我会满足于一个破碎的心脏,

Just a scar caused by infection 只是一个由感染引起的疤痕


But no, no, no, 但是,不,不,不,

I didn't notice, 我没有注意到,

What you wanted 你想要的

All gets lost in the fire 所有被丢在火

That warms who we are, get lost 那温暖我们是谁,迷失


And we're dressed up like humans, 我们正在打扮像人类一样,

Like we know who we are. 就像我们知道我们是谁。

This map won't get you home, 这张地图将不会带你回家,

If you don't know where you are. 如果你不知道你在哪里。

This plastic house won't break with stones. 这种塑料房子会不会用石头打破。

This road won't get you home, 这条路不会带你回家,

From where you are. 从你在哪里。


You look like someone from afar, 你看起来像一个人,远远望去,

When I knew the direction. 当我知道了​​方向。

I'd settle for a broken heart, 我会满足于一个破碎的心脏,

Just a scar caused by infection. 只是一个由感染引起的疤痕。


But no, no, no, 但是,不,不,不,

We didn't notice. 我们没有注意到。

What you wanted, 你想要的,

All gets lost in the fire, 所有被丢在了火,

That warms who we are, get lost 那温暖我们是谁,迷失


And we're dressed up like humans, 我们正在打扮像人类一样,

Like we know who we are. 就像我们知道我们是谁。

This map won't get you home, 这张地图将不会带你回家,

If you don't know where you are. 如果你不知道你在哪里。

This plastic house won't break with stones. 这种塑料房子会不会用石头打破。

This road won't get you home, 这条路不会带你回家,

From where you are. 从你在哪里。

歌词 Through The Glass 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/through-the-glass/