歌词 "The Storm" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Storm



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You weathered the storm 您渡过难关

You came out the other side 你出来的另一面

The place you were born 你出生的地方

Is a place inside 是一个地方内


Don't be sad it's gone 别伤心就不见了

Don't be sad I'm gone... 不要难过,我走了......


To weather the storm 为了渡过难关

Up on your feet again 举起你的脚再

If it all comes down 如果这一切都归结

Would you still call this the end? 你还会把这个结束了吗?


Don't be sad it's gone 别伤心就不见了

Can't be sad for long 不能伤心太久


Don't give up be strong 不要放弃要坚强

Don't be sad I'm gone 不要难过,我走了


The night you left the storm 晚上,你离开了风暴


To weather it all 度过这一切

To come out the other side 出来的另一面

With the moon all high 与月亮都高

I'll see you on the other side 我会看到你的另一面

So come out the other side 所以出来的另一面

歌词 The Storm 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-storm-13/