歌词 "The Road Is Calling" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Road Is Calling



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Every day's the same, every day's the same 每一天都会是一样的,每一天都会是相同的

Every day, every day's the same 每一天,每一天都会是相同的


Get off the telephone, let's go 下车的电话,让我们去

The highway wants to play 高速公路想打

Well, I'm buried and busy, too busy to break away 好吧,我埋忙,忙不过来打破

Don't you want to explore? 难道你不想去探索?

Well, it's hard to find and have adventures stuck indoors 嗯,这是很难找到,并冒险在室内停留


Baby the road is calling 宝贝在路上呼唤

So let go, and fall in 因此,让我们去,摔得

Roll the windows down, turn the radio up 滚动窗口下,打开收音机了

And push the pedal in 与踏板推

Cause, baby, the road is calling 因为,宝贝,路上呼唤


The sunsets perfect parked here by a beach at Key Largo 这里的日落完美停泊在海滩,在拉哥岛

It'd be great coming up on the Carolina coast 这将会是巨大的卡罗来纳州海岸上来了

Fire up those headlights 火起来的大灯

We can make it if we drive all night 我们可以把它当我们开车整夜


Baby the road is calling 宝贝在路上呼唤

So let go, and fall in 因此,让我们去,摔得

Roll the windows down, turn the radio up 滚动窗口下,打开收音机了

And push the pedal in 与踏板推

Baby, the road is calling 宝贝,在路上被调用


Baby the road is calling 宝贝在路上呼唤

So let go, and fall in 因此,让我们去,摔得

Roll the windows down, turn the radio up 滚动窗口下,打开收音机了

And push the pedal in 与踏板推

Baby, the road is calling 宝贝,在路上被调用

歌词 The Road Is Calling 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-road-is-calling/