歌词 "The Easiest Thing" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Easiest Thing



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Suddenly there's meaning 突然,有内涵

To all my hoping and dreaming 我所有的希望和梦想

And joy I have never felt before 和喜悦我从来没有感觉到

Suddenly there's a reason 突然,有一个原因

Something I can believe in 什么事情我可以相信

And finally I know what my heart is for 最后我知道我的心脏是


This is the easiest thing to do 这是最容易做的事

Yes the easiest thing to do 是最容易的事

It's as simple and natural as 就这么简单和自然的

Breathing out and breathing in 呼和呼吸

Yes the easiest thing is loving you 是最容易的事是爱你


Suddenly I'm weightless 突然,我失重

Feel I could fly or walk on 觉得我能飞或走

With my feet never touching the ground 我的脚从来没有接触地面

And I know I'm not crazy 而且我知道我没疯

And now I know I'm not sleeping 现在我知道我不睡觉

No the searching is over 不搜索已经结束

And baby I've found 宝贝,我发现


This is the easiest thing to do 这是最容易做的事

It's the easiest thing to do 这是最容易做的事

It's as simple and as natural as 就这么简单和自然的

Breathing out and breathing in 呼和呼吸

Yes the easiest thing is loving you 是最容易的事是爱你


Suddenly the sadness is gone 突然,悲伤消失了

And I don't have to tell myself 我没有告诉自己

To struggle through 要通过斗争

To carry on 进行


This is the easiest thing to do 这是最容易做的事

It's the easiest thing to do 这是最容易做的事

It's as simple and as natural as 就这么简单和自然的

Breathing out and breathing in 呼和呼吸

Yes the easiest thing is loving you 是最容易的事是爱你

Yes the easiest thing is loving you 是最容易的事是爱你

Yes the easiest thing is loving you 是最容易的事是爱你

歌词 The Easiest Thing 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-easiest-thing/