歌词 "Song For You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Song For You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've been so many places in my life and time 我去过那么多地方在我的生活和时间

Sung a lot of songs I've made some bad rhyme 唱了很多歌我做了一些不好的韵

I got out my life in stages 我的阶段离开了我的生活

With ten thousand people watching 有10000人观看

But we're alone now I'm singing this song 但是,我们很孤独,现在我唱这首歌

Singing this song for you 唱这首歌给你


I know your image of me is what I hope to be 我知道你对我的形象是什么,我希望是

I've treated you unkindly but darling can't you see 我刻薄对待你,但亲爱的你看不出来

There's no one more important to me 有没有人对我更重要

Darling can you please see through me 亲爱的可以请你看穿了我

Cause we're alone now 因为我们现在是单独的

And I'm singing this song for you 而我唱这首歌给你


You taught me precious secrets of the truth 你教给我的道理的珍贵秘密

We're only nothing 我们只是没有

You came out in front when I was hiding 你在前面走了出来,当我躲在

But now I'm so much better 但现在我好多了

And if my words can come together 如果我的文字能走到一起

Listen to the melody 听旋律

Cause my love is in there hiding 因为我爱就在那里藏身


I love you in a place where there's no space or time 我爱你在一个地方,没有时间或空间

I love you for my life you are a friend of mine 我爱你我的生命,你是我的朋友

And when my life is over 而当我的生命已经结束

Remember when we were together 还记得我们在一起

We were alone and I was singing this song for you 我们俩了,我是唱这首歌给你

Singing this song, singing this song for you 唱这首歌,唱这首歌给你

歌词 Song For You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/song-for-you-2/

歌词 Song For You 的作者与版权信息:


Leon Russell


Skyhill Publishing Co., Irving Music Inc.