歌词 "Preaching To The Converted" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Preaching To The Converted


歌词相关歌手:LAMB OF GOD

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The Public wants what the public gets. 公众希望市民得到什么。

Lazarus himself wouldn't rise into this world. 拉撒路自己也不会上升到这个世界。

Decry relativity damned petulant for 谴责相对论的该死的任性

seeing through a Trojan horse 通过木马看

full of zyklon while Judas' coffers overflow. 全齐克隆,而犹大的库房内溢出。

What? New world (dis)order is nothing new. 什么?新世界( DIS ),顺序是什么新鲜事。

Choking on poison air pouring whiskey 窒息毒空气浇威士忌

into crescent moon lacerations. 成月牙撕裂伤。

Time to bite the hand that beats. 时间咬了跳动手。

Teach our children well, teach them to kill. 教我们的孩子好,教他们杀了。

Global jihad for a thousand years. 全球圣战一千年。

Sanctified our blood spills, sutured with commodities. 我们成圣血外溢,缝合用的商品。

Iron fist in silken glove ripping away autonomy, 铁腕的丝质手套撕离的自主权,

replacing with a placebo. 更换与安慰剂。

Realize that our wounds will never heal 要知道,我们的伤口永远不会愈合

while Judas' coffers overflow. 而犹大的库房内溢出。

歌词 Preaching To The Converted 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/preaching-to-the-converted/

歌词 Preaching To The Converted 的作者与版权信息:


Chris Adler, Abe Spear, David Randall Blythe, John Campbell, Mark Morton


Subtle Arts Of Publishing, Sony/ATV Songs LLC