歌词 "Picture Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Picture Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Picture me, on a postcard 想象着我,在明信片上

Picture me, on a magazine 想象着我,在一本杂志

Call me on my private number 叫我在我的私人电话号码

You've got my photograph 你有我的照片

On your bedroom wall 在您的卧室的墙上

Picture me - Coz everybody wants her 想象着我 - 怎么把每个人都希望自己的

On a postcard - She makes them smile 在明信片上 - 她让自己开心

Picture me - And everybody needs her 想象着我 - 每个人都需要她

On a magazine - Once in a while 在一本杂志 - 在一段时间后

Call me - Coz everybody wants her 打电话给我 - 怎么把每个人都希望自己的

On my private number - She makes them smile 在我的私人号码 - 她让自己开心

You've got my photograph - And everybody needs her 你有我的照片 - 每个人都需要她

On your bedroom wall - Once in a while 在您的卧室的墙上 - 在一段时间后

She is wanted, she is smart 她想,她是聪明的

She'll make you special 她会让你特别

She's got it down to an art 她得到了它归结为一种艺术

She don't argue, she's on time 她不说,她对时间

She is available 她可

She'll make you feel fine 她会让你感觉很好

She is wanted, she is smart 她想,她是聪明的

She'll make you special 她会让你特别

She's got it down to an art 她得到了它归结为一种艺术

She don't argue, she's on time 她不说,她对时间

She is available 她可

She'll make you feel fine 她会让你感觉很好

Picture me - Coz everybody wants her 想象着我 - 怎么把每个人都希望自己的

On a postcard - She makes them smile 在明信片上 - 她让自己开心

Picture me - And everybody needs her 想象着我 - 每个人都需要她

On a magazine - Once in a while 在一本杂志 - 在一段时间后

Picture me... 想象着我......

歌词 Picture Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/picture-me-1/

歌词 Picture Me 的作者与版权信息:


Samantha Marie Sprackling, Andrew Leslie Todd, Timothy Michael Dorney


Universal Music Publishing Mgb Ltd., Tim Dorney Pub Designee, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.