歌词 "It Could Happen To You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It Could Happen To You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hide your heart from sight, lock your dreams at night 从视线中隐藏你的心脏,锁定你的梦想,晚上

It could happen to you 这可能发生在你身上

Don't count stars or you might stumble 不要指望明星或者你可能会绊倒

Someone drops a sigh and down you tumble 有人丢弃了口气上下翻滚你


Keep an eye on spring, run when church bells ring 留意春天,运行时教堂的钟声响起

It could happen to you 这可能发生在你身上

All I did was wonder how your arms would be 我所做的只是不知道你的手臂会

And it happened to me 它发生在我身上


Keep an eye on spring, run when church bells ring 留意春天,运行时教堂的钟声响起

It could happen to you 这可能发生在你身上

All I did was wonder how your arms would be 我所做的只是不知道你的手臂会

And it happened to me 它发生在我身上

歌词 It Could Happen To You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it-could-happen-to-you/