歌词 "Fear" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm scared to try cause I'm scared to fail 我很害怕去尝试,因为我害怕失败

I'm scared to die cause I'm scared of hell 我害怕死了,因为我很害怕地狱

I'm scared to kiss scared to hug 我害怕吻吓得抱

I'm scared of sex cause I'm scared to touch 我害怕做爱,因为我害怕碰


I'm scared to look cause I'm scared to see 我害怕看,因为我害怕看到

I'm scared of you cause I'm scared of me 我怕你,因为我怕我

I'm scared to fly cause I'm scared to crash 我很害怕飞行,因为我很害怕崩溃

I'm scared to move on so I live in the past 我害怕继续前进,所以我活在过去


I'm scared to fight cause I'm scared to bleed 我怕打,因为我很害怕流血

I'm scared of love cause I'm scared he'll leave 我害怕爱情,因为我害怕他会离开

I'm scared of drugs I'm scared to drink 我很害怕药物我怕喝

I'm scared to swim cause I'm scared to sink 我很害怕去游泳,因为我很害怕沉沦


I'm scared to learn cause I'm scared of truth 我很害怕去学习,因为我很害怕真相

Don't wanna gain weight cause I'm scared of food 不想长胖,因为我很害怕食物

I'm scared to think that the label dropped me 我吓得以为标签就把我

I'm scared to think of my album floppin 我吓得想我的专辑floppin的


This may sound silly but it's true 这可能听起来很傻,但它是真实的

So don't pretend it ain't you too 所以,不要假装它是不是你太

We all afraid of something here 大家都害怕的东西在这里

Cause you ain't human with out fear 因为你不是人与出恐惧


I'm scared to start cause I'm scared I'll quit 我很害怕,开始因为我害怕我会辞职

I'm scared that people won't like my shit 我很害怕别人会不喜欢我的屎

I'm scared of fame and paparazzi 我害怕的名气和狗仔队

Rumors startin and people watching 传言挑动人们看


Scared to grow up cause I'm scared to get old 害怕长大,因为我害怕变老

Scared of the dark and being alone 惊黑暗和孤独

I'm scared of war I'm scared of jail 我害怕战争,我害怕坐牢

Scared to share a secret cause I'm scared you'll tell 吓得分享一个秘密,因为我害怕你会告诉


This may sound silly but it's true 这可能听起来很傻,但它是真实的

So don't pretend it ain't you too 所以,不要假装它是不是你太

We all afraid of something here 大家都害怕的东西在这里

Cause you ain't human with out fear 因为你不是人与出恐惧

歌词 Fear 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fear-1/

歌词 Fear 的作者与版权信息:


Jazmine Sullivan, George Michael Harry


Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, D Harry Prod., Nappy Puddy Music, Universal Music Corp.