歌词 "Black Tongue" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Black Tongue



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I burned out my eyes 我烧了我的眼睛

I cut off my tongue 我割下自己的舌头

I sealed them with all of the silver ì封他们所有的银

And now I have none 而现在我没有


You killed the life 你杀了生命

You took the diamond 你带走了钻石

You killed the vine 你杀了藤

Death of the... 死的...


You own the darkness 你所拥有的黑暗

And taken my sight 并采取了我的视线

You buried the stars underground 你埋在地下的星星

You've stolen the night 你偷了一夜


You can run to the sea 您可以运行于海

You can run to the forest 您可以运行到森林

You can hide 您可以隐藏

But you'll never escape 但你永远不会逃避


You've run out of lies 你已经用完的谎言

You've run out of time 你已经运行的时间


You killed the life 你杀了生命

You took the diamond 你带走了钻石

You killed the vine 你杀了藤

Death of the sun 太阳之死

歌词 Black Tongue 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/black-tongue/

歌词 Black Tongue 的作者与版权信息:


Troy Jayson Sanders, Brann Timothy Dailor, William Brent Hinds, William Breen Kelliher


Trampled Under Hoof Music Inc., Chrysalis Songs