英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Stage 中的所有曲目
专辑 Stage 中的所有曲目:



类型: album

[English]The World Has Come Between Us

[English lyric] Be here love And the world has come between us And the world has come between us Be here love And the world has come between us And the world has come between us We are so ...

[中文对照] 在这里爱 和世界已经来到我们之间 和世界已经来到我们之间 在这里爱 和世界已经来到我们之间 和世界已经来到我们之间 我们就在这里 你这么年轻 ...

[English]An Angel Screams From Outer Space

[English lyric] Maybe I'll rape you after school one day in March Maybe I'll learn to scream the anger from your heart You'll teach me math, we'll learn to play those stupid games. A virgin ...

[中文对照] 也许我会学校3月的一天后强奸你 也许我会学着从你的心脏尖叫的愤怒 你会教我数学,我们将学习如何玩那些愚蠢的游戏。 à处女流血,来自外太空的天使惨叫 ...

[English]I Will Be Something

[English lyric] We are falling from these rooftops We are losing where we stand All my lovers were forgotten When I died right at your hands Where were you when I was bleeding Where were you ...

[中文对照] 我们正在下降,从这些屋顶 我们正在失去我们所处的位置 我所有的恋人被遗忘 当我在你的手当场死亡 你在哪里,当我在流血 你在哪里在过去三年 ...

[English]I Don't Know

[English lyric] Send my regards to my brother down there He walks by the ocean, the pain disappearsThe sky is now falling, heaven's unknown And you find out the clouds were never alone Send my ...

[中文对照] 发送我的问候我的兄弟那里 他走在海边,疼痛disappearsThe天空正在坠落,天上的不明 你发现了云从来没有单独 发送我的问候我的爱人那里 ...


[English lyric] Rubber bands are holding me together I need the perfect smile for my mother Look, we've done away with our disease When I'm dead you'll know me by my teeth Got my braces off of ...

[中文对照] 橡皮筋是抱着我一起 我需要的完美的笑容为我的母亲 你看,我们已经废除了我们的疾病 当我死了,你就会知道我用我的牙齿 得到了我的牙套掉了我今天早上 ...

[English]I Know Where You Are

[English lyric] I hope that you missed me I'm glad that you kissed me I'll see you again when I die Know that I missed you Know that I'll kiss you Whenever an angel flies by Youre'crazy in ...

[中文对照] 我希望你想念我 我很高兴,你吻了我 我会再见到你的时候我死了 知道我想念你 要知道,我会吻你 当天使飞过 Youre\'crazy在浴缸 ...

[English]Country Bleeding

[English lyric] We're all afraid our country is bleeding We're all OK and no one is leaving We're all the same and no one's leaving We're breathing We already lied tonight We've already tried ...

[中文对照] 我们都害怕我们的国家是出血 我们一切OK ,没有人离开 我们都是一样的,没有人离开 我们呼吸 我们今晚已经撒了谎 我们已经尝试过打 这一切都同 ...

[English]Live Happy, Live Anorexia

[English lyric] Listen to the insects Prey on the enemy For when you hunt the loved You hunt yourself When the feast is over You're lying down to feel You're crazy and so sore I feel like now ...

[中文对照] 听虫 捕食敌人 因为当你打猎的亲人 你自己打猎 当盛宴结束 你躺着的感觉 你疯了,这么痛 我觉得现在就停止 我觉得像这样的一次前 听虫 捕食敌人 ...


[English lyric] If I would die tomorrow And you were finally free I wouldn't feel a difference If you would die with me 'Cause I'm already sad And I'm already sad Now that the war is gone And ...

[中文对照] 如果我会死在明天 而你终于自由了 我不会觉得有差别 如果你想和我一起死 因为我已经伤心 而且我已经伤心 现在战争已经一去不复返了 而机构只能坐以待毙 ...

[English]The Scientist's Canvas

[English lyric] Let's take a walk for a while We'll find out all we missed I've seen all the things you have done Creations from my sins You tried to find comfort in books You tried to find ...

[中文对照] 让我们走了一段时间 我们会发现,所有我们错过 我已经看到你所做的事 看我的罪创作 你试图找到安慰的书 你试图找到安慰性 你有没有觉得自己的爱情 ...

[English]Jesus Was A Test Tube Baby

[English lyric] Science is dead Jesus was a test tube baby Science is read A beaker was the Virgin Mary Losing yourself Burn all the sages remember I am no dead Come down the ancients before ...

[中文对照] 科学是死亡 耶稣是一个试管婴儿 科学阅读 烧杯是圣母玛利亚 失去自己 燃烧所有的圣贤记得 我没死 下来我之前的古人 而且感觉像科幻死亡 ...