英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Redneck Wonderland 中的所有曲目
专辑 Redneck Wonderland 中的所有曲目:

Redneck Wonderland


类型: album

[English]Redneck Wonderland

[English lyric] I don't want to run I don't want to stay Cos everything that's near and dear is old And in the way Emergency has gone, apathy rolling on Time to take a stand Redneck wonderland ...

[中文对照] 我不想跑,我不想留 COS一切的亲近是旧的 并在途中 急诊去了,冷漠笑倒 时间采取的立场 乡下人仙境 有你在我的目光,被栅栏聚光灯 ...


[English lyric] In the city the heart still whispers Flaking metal a silent witness There's chemical fields and cathode clouds The milky way is emasculated as exhaust fans And smart cards ...

[中文对照] 在城市的心脏还在窃窃私语 剥落金属的沉默的证人 有化工等领域和阴极云 银河系被阉割的排风扇 和智能卡收缩包装的彩色风 并把它咳到永恒 ...

[English]Cemetery In My Mind

[English lyric] Locked in the mall in a state of fright Looking for salvation in a car headlight But you can't have what you can't buy Tomorrow is better than yesterday, Tomorrow is better ...

[中文对照] 锁定在商场吓得状态 寻找救赎的车头灯 但你不能让你买不到的东西 明天是比昨天好, 明天比今天更好, 明天是比昨天他们说好 公墓在我心中 公墓在我心中 ...

[English]Comfortable Place On The Couch

[English lyric] Comfortable suburban home Too afraid to go out on your own Comfortable place on the couch Natures a stranger keep it out Haul away So you got coastline for fence It could be ...

[中文对照] 舒适的郊区的家 也不敢出门你自己 在沙发上舒适的地方 性质陌生人保持它 牵引走 所以,你有海岸线的围栏 这可能是防御的第一道防线 ...

[English]Safety Chain Blues

[English lyric] Hanging on like hell to the safety chain Lifebuoy crash lands in a vale of tears All the lovers are in retreat Out on the edge of the nervous street So deaf to the call of the ...

[中文对照] 挂在像地狱的安全链 在眼泪山谷救生圈崩溃土地 所有的情侣都在退缩 出对神经街道的边缘 于是聋子的野性的呼唤 聋人的第一个出生的窃窃私语认罪 ...

[English]Return To Sender

[English lyric] Well I want to return to my sender Well I want to return There is so much that I can't remember But there's so much to choose We are laying the tracks for the company Across ...

[中文对照] 好吧,我想回到我的发送者 好吧,我想返回 有这么多,我不记得 但有这么多的选择 我们正在铺设轨道,为公司 在所有的空间和时间都 ...


[English lyric] Welcome stranger listen in The presumption of innocence was buried again Carve up-selloff Triumphalism gotta be a curse or even worse It's inherited it's recurring, oh God I ...

[中文对照] 欢迎陌生人在听 无罪推定再次被埋葬 瓜分-抛售 必胜得是一个诅咒,甚至更糟 它继承了它的周期性,哦上帝 我已经走了我已经游过,我和搭便车 ...

[English]The Great Gibber Plain

[English lyric] From the great gibber plain To the Indian ocean From the stones at my feet To my sawn off emotions Already gone We've already been We're free free To secede From Gallipoli's ...

[中文对照] 从大都给巴平原 印度洋 从石头在我脚下 我的锯掉情绪 已经走了 我们已经去过 我们是免费的自由 分裂出去 从加利波利的悬崖 泰晤士河畔 对于那些无名 ...

[English]Seeing Is Believing

[English lyric] I was asleep with both eyes open Dream freeze sprinklers in the sun Beer soaked mansions block the sky, Dingos howl and white flags fly The future's put on hold and you're ...

[中文对照] 我睡着了双眼睁开 梦冻结喷头在阳光下 啤酒浸泡豪宅挡住了天空, Dingos嚎叫和白旗飞 未来的搁置,你还年轻 但我知道眼见为实 ...

[English]White Skin Black Heart

[English lyric] Yeah, whatcha gonna do now, now that you started? Whatcha gonna do now, now that it's done? The words got out there, they float around and are coming right back down. You gonna ...

[中文对照] 是的,你会怎样该怎么办了,现在你开始了吗? 干麻要去现在做的,现在,它的呢? 这句话传出去那里,他们漂浮,并来了就回来了。 你要离开我们躺在这里 ...

[English]What Goes On

[English lyric] One thing's for sure That it's still the same That young folk die For some noble aim And they live so fast But they die so young And we just keep wondering What the hell went ...

[中文对照] 有一件事是肯定的 它仍然是相同的 那个年轻的民间死亡 对于一些崇高的目标 和他们住得这么快 但他们死得这么年轻 我们只是想保持 这到底哪里出了问题 ...

[English]Drop In The Ocean

[English lyric] Here comes the olive branch man He'll press it any way he can He tries so hard to understand Here comes the tired statesman Heavy lidded bearded nowhere left to land He makes ...

[中文对照] 来了橄榄枝人 他会按它的任何方式,他可以 他试图让人费解 这里谈到的疲惫政治家 沉重的盖子的大胡子无处降落 他做了合适的拼图 手里拿着锤子 ...