英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Established 1958 中的所有曲目
专辑 Established 1958 中的所有曲目:

Established 1958


类型: album

[English]Don't Forget To Catch Me

[English lyric] Don't forget to catch me when I fall in love with you And don't forget to patch my heart, if it should break in two It's just a dream, but a dream that might come true Don't ...

[中文对照] 不要忘了抓我时,我爱上你 而且不要忘了来修补我的心脏,如果它要在叹惜 这只是一个梦想,但梦想可能成真 不要忘了抓我时,我爱上你 ...

[English]Girl On The Bus

[English lyric] Sometimes when I look from my window I’ll see A beautiful stranger who beckons to me I know where she comes from But where does she go One day I’ll go with her and then I shall ...

[中文对照] 有时候,当我看到从我的窗口,我会看到 一个美丽的陌生人谁昭示着我 我知道她来自 但如果她不走 有一天,我会和她一起去,然后我就知道 ...