英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 As Daylight Dies 中的所有曲目
专辑 As Daylight Dies 中的所有曲目:

As Daylight Dies


类型: album

[English]Daylight Dies

[English lyric] Slowly, we watch the degradation of the civilization The rise and fall of all we are stands before us This place is evil Is there an answer? This world is vile We are the ...

[中文对照] 慢慢地,我们观看了文明的退化 所有的兴衰,我们是摆在我们面前的立场 这个地方是邪恶的 有没有一个答案? 这个世界是邪恶的 我们的答案 哦! ...

[English]This Is Absolution

[English lyric] We will not die this way, in unification They cannot break these chains of faith Let them do their worst (let them do their worst) Never slaves to iniquity We will not die this ...

[中文对照] 我们不会死这样,在统一 他们不能失信这些链 让他们做他们最可怕的(让他们做他们最可怕的) 从来没有奴隶的罪孽 我们不会死这种方式(这是赦免) ...

[English]The Arms Of Sorrow

[English lyric] Imprisoned inside this mind Hiding behind the empty smiles So simple (the anguish) As it haunts me Crawling back into the dark Running, always running, into the distance Stop ...

[中文对照] 这个心里面囚禁 躲在空的笑容 所以,简单的(痛苦) 因为它困扰着我 爬回到黑暗 运行,一直运行,到远处 停在我面前,我流血了,再 我的声音回响 ...


[English lyric] Go! Forever falling, Into oblivion The darkness crawls forward It engulfs, my will to live Fear is failure And this is my motivation Take back what was stolen Reclaim all ...

[中文对照] 去! 永远的坠落,被遗忘 黑暗中匍匐前进 它吞没,我的求生意志 恐惧是失败的 这是我的动力 收回了被偷走 收回所有的损失 有了德行,我会从废墟中站起来 ...

[English]My Curse

[English lyric] I watched you walk away Hopeless, with nothing to say I strain my eyes Hoping to see you again This is my curse (the longing) This is my curse (time) This is my curse (the ...

[中文对照] 我看着你离开 无望,有什么可说的 I毒株我的眼睛 希望能再次见到你 这是我的诅咒(向往) 这是我的诅咒(时间) 这是我的诅咒(向往) 这是我的诅咒 ...

[English]For You

[English lyric] The finest parts of me Are only shades of you To put aside the ties that bind Is the goal of man I give my word To stand the test of time No more wasted days The past must ...

[中文对照] 我的最好的地区 是你唯一的阴影 抛开结合的纽带 是人的目标 我给我的话 要经得起时间的考验 不要再浪费天 过去必须灭亡 线绘制 我宣誓忠于 没有回头路 ...

[English]Still Beats Your Name

[English lyric] Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark? Followed closely by the footsteps of my failures. What can I do to alter my perception of the way and the truth? Let this burden ...

[中文对照] 谁知道多久,我已经失去了在黑暗中? 通过我的失败的脚步紧随其后。 我能做些什么来改变我的感觉的就是道路,真理? 让这个包袱渐行渐远。 ...

[English]Eye Of The Storm

[English lyric] As time goes by Nothing has changed I wont stand and watch You wither away After all this time I stand by you Through all of the years I've been with you Through pain and ...

[中文对照] 随着时间的推移, 什么都没有改变 我不会眼睁睁地看着 您消亡 毕竟这一次 我站在被你 经过这些年的 我已经与你 经过痛苦和苦难 随着每一个网瘾 ...

[English]Break The Silence

[English lyric] As I live and breathe I'm watching, watching the world die We greet this with apathy no longer Consumed by self We walk through each day With no mind to deprivation and moral ...

[中文对照] 我还活着,呼吸 我看,看世界死 我们与冷漠迎接这不再 自我消耗 我们度过每一天走 有没有心思去剥夺和道德沦丧 我们必须摧毁和重建 我们必须摧毁和重建 ...

[English]Desperate Times

[English lyric] Time and time again I stand at the crossroad Where the weight of my burden Eclipses my resolve This broken path I've chosen I walk it alone Though I feel forgotten You've ...

[中文对照] 一次又一次 我站在十字路口 凡我的担子重 日食我的决心 这破路,我选择 我独自一人走它 虽然我觉得自己被遗忘 你我刻在石头上的名字 在这危急时刻 ...

[English]Reject Yourself

[English lyric] Oh! Woah! Their cries are blown away with the wind How passive can we be before humanity is lost? Turning our backs on those who need love We must not rest while healing is ...

[中文对照] 哦! 哇! 他们的呼声被吹走风 我们如何被动可以人性丧失之前? 把我们的背那些谁需要爱 而愈合需要我们不能依靠 推倒面纱 从这种感觉吧你的心脏 奉献自己 ...

[English]Be One

[English lyric] With conviction You must stand your ground Don't be deceived Strength is salvation It is so easy to live the life of a follower We must kill the idols Don't fall prey to ...

[中文对照] 以坚定的信念,必须坚守阵地 不要被欺骗 实力是救赎 这是很容易活的追随者的生活 我们必须杀死偶像 不要落入诱惑 随着从一而终我们必须追求真理 ...

[English]Let The Bridges Burn

[English lyric] We have come too far to let our fulfillment fall away. I must refuse to renounce my integrity. We stand in defiance to their ethics. Let the grief that they have inflicted ...

[中文对照] 我们已经走太远 让我们履行跌倒了。 我必须拒绝放弃我的诚信。 我们奋起抗争,以自己的道德。 让悲伤,他们已经造成作为我们的武器通话。 ...

[English]This Fire

[English lyric] All I've ever wanted was destiny to be fulfilled, it is in my hands, I must not fail, I must not fail. Even through the darkest days, this fire burns, always. this fire burns, ...

[中文对照] 所有我想要的是命运应验, 这是在我的手里,我绝对不能失败, 我决不能失败。 即使在最黑暗的日子里, 火在燃烧,永远。 火在燃烧,永远。 这是破地面 ...

[English]Holy Diver

[English lyric] Hmm-hmmmm Yeah, yeah Holy Diver You've been down too long in the midnight sea Oh, what's becoming of me? Ride the tiger You can see his stripes but you know he's clean Oh, ...

[中文对照] 嗯,嗯 是啊,是啊 圣潜水员 你在午夜的大海了下来太长 哦,这是怎么成为我吗? 骑虎 你可以看到他的条纹,但你知道他是干净的 哦,你不明白我的意思吗? ...