英语人>词典>汉英 : 龟 的英文翻译,例句
龟 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
chelonian  ·  testudinate  ·  tortoise

更多网络例句与龟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Today, six of the seven species of marine turtle - hawksbill, olive ridley, Kemp's ridley, leatherback, loggerhead and green - are classified as Endangered or Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


Money turtle scientific name three Cuora trifasciata, commonly known as the Tri-closed-shell turtles, red belly turtle, golden-headed turtle, etc. belong in the animal taxonomy Reptilia, Testudines, turtles Division .


A heat lamp should be mounted about 12-15 inches above the turtle. This added heat will start to warm up the turtle's body temperature.

上方12-15英寸(30-38cm )的高度上加设热灯,以保证提升身体的温度。

At this point, rather than follow tradition and wait for your tortoise to emerge from its hibernating box itself, you should remove the hibernating box from its winter quarters and warm it up by placing it near a heater, and allow it to warm gradually.


Nevertheless, the results strongly supported that 1 Pyxidea mouhotii and Cuora aurocapitata formed a monophyletic clade, whereas Cyclemys atripons was not closer to the Pyxidea-Cuora than to Chinemys reevesii, suggesting that Cyclemys and the Cuora group may have originated from two ancestors; 2 the Geoemydidae with Testudinidae was a sister group rather than with the Emydidae.


The current taxonomic status of the Clemmys complex of freshwater turtles places the Old World genera Mauremys and Sacalia in the Geoemydidae and the New World genus Clemmys in the Emydinae. These three genera were previously considered to be congeneric.


However, if your turtle is being artificially hibernated then I would advise you to take the turtle out of hibernation.


It is important that the turtle does not have a heat lamp over its head during this process. Due to the fact that the turtle is sitting dry on paper towels, there is a much higher risk of dehydration and death.


The turtle should be soaked about three times a day for at least 20-30 minutes each time. The Neosporin should be wiped off before placing the turtle in the water. Once you take the turtle out of the water, I would then advise you to put confectioners sugar on its penis to reduce the swelling.


The tortoise nicknames, tortoise, mud rutelidae turtle and ShanGui etc, in animal taxonomical belonging to crawl outline, the tortoise turtle mesh, tortoise, tortoise subfamilies, was the most common eye animals.


更多网络解释与龟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


蛇颈科中的其他南美侧颈则属于渔属(Hydromedusa)和蟾属(Phrynops). 南美侧颈属(Podocnemis)属于侧颈科(Pelomedusidae). 它没有亚种被建立,但一些作者通过对野生和捕获的枯叶的观察已经注意到了颜色上的变化.



Testudo horsfieldi:陆龟科 Testudinidae 四爪陆龟

云南闭壳 Cuora yunnanensis Ⅱ | 陆科 Testudinidae 四爪陆 Testudo horsfieldi Ⅰ | 凹甲陆 Manouria impressa Ⅱ

Testudo kleinmanni:埃及陆龟

其中最著名的当然就是埃及陆(Testudo kleinmanni)和最近才由埃及陆独立出来的以色列陆(Testudo werneri)它们都是列名CITES I保育的. 再来就是部份欧洲陆(Testudo graeca)的亚种. 这两大族群都另有单独网页了. 在此我们就来谈谈较晚近才发现定名的三种北非陆:

Tortoise:龟; 陆龟

(tortoise)属科(Testudinidae)陆栖爬虫类. 在英国tortoise一词泛指所有的非海栖种类. 陆仅生活於陆地,仅食植物. 在民间传说中,陆象徵著缓慢、坚定和长寿. 在新、


● 鳄科(Chelydridae):鳄科或称啮科、鼍科,仅以分布于美洲的2属2种大型淡水为代表,包括:拟鳄属(Chelydra)、真鳄属(Macroclemys). 鳄科为凶猛的食肉性类,头大而嘴成钩状,咬力强劲. 鳄科中的北美拟鳄(Chelydra serpentina)背甲长约40厘米,

Cryptodira:亚目: 曲颈龟亚目

鳖目又分为2个亚目:曲颈亚目(Cryptodira)和侧颈亚目(Pleurodira). 曲颈亚目现存10科192种,其中类有 9科169种,鳖类1科23种. 我国的鳖类动物均属此亚目. 本亚目鳖类的主要特点是鳖收缩头部时,颈部可呈S型缩入甲壳内,


学 名:Heosemys spinosa 英 名:Spiny turtle 科 名:泽科(Emydidae) 别 名:东南亚刺、太阳、齿轮 科属分类:爬行纲、目、 淡水科分 布:分布于缅甸、越南、泰国、马来西亚、婆罗洲、苏门答腊等地.


隐颈类的其他科有泥科(Kinosternidae)、海科(Cheloniidae),见于全世界温暖海水中; 鳄科(Chelydridae),体型大,并具有攻击性,常见于北美. 侧颈亚目种类现仅分布于南半球大陆,包括现存种的20%左右. 其中现存2科为蛇颈科(Chelidae),


隐颈亚目 (Cryptodira) 的隐颈可将头向后缩入壳内; 侧颈亚目 (Pleurodira) 的侧颈可将颈弯向一侧. 美国的鳖目所有种类均称 turtle,陆生的种类又称为陆 (tortoise),海栖者称为海 (sea turtle). 英国无俗名可概括所有种类,