英语人>词典>汉英 : 黑熊 的英文翻译,例句
黑熊 的英文翻译、例句


black bear
更多网络例句与黑熊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Protected area is situated in the North-South climate, flora, fauna intersection transition Qinling mountains, there are abundant, a large number of rare and endangered plant and animal species, biological diversity, which included in the national class Ⅰ protected animals giant panda, takin, Lin musk deer, leopard, golden eagles and other five kinds; included in the national Class Ⅱ protected animals have black bear, Chrysolophus pictus, blood pheasant, Syrmaticus reevesii, goral, giant salamander, such as 11 kinds.


The mountain includes layers of basalt and andesite through which several domes of dacite lava have erupted.


In addition, during the yellowstone park wild animal's heaven, the black bear, the Pere David's deer, the Argali, the reactionary and so on with difficulty calculate likely the wild animal perches


In this experiment we find haploid of bear has 96 bars masculine bands It showed different bands.


Furthermore the daily movements of sloth (20) bears and American black bears which are similar in size to sloth bears and have similar-sized home ranges reveal similar travel rates and distances suggesting that if black bear cubs are able to (26) keep up with their mother so too should sloth bear cubs.


A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blo od.


The Asiatic black bear is in the family Ursidae. It distributes in Russia, India, Nippon, Japan, Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and China. In the 1980s, the hot breeding come from cholerrhagia of living black bear resulted in approximately 9000 wild-lives being imprisoned in China. As limited by breeding conditions, the imprisoned black bears have only one-third life span compared with the wild-ones.


Ursus thibetanus formosanus is the only one of Taiwan 's original bear. It's a kind of Asia's black bear.They were lived over the Asia's land extensively.


Black bear:Black bears have short, nonretractable claws that give them an excellent tree-climbing ability.

黑熊黑熊有短, nonretractable爪认为,给予他们一个很好的树爬的能力。

Sequence analysis showed that the BDNF gene of Asiatic Black Bear was highly conserved compared to those of human and giant panda, with an identity of 94.5% and 98.9%, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mature protein was found to be identical to those of all the reported mammalians. According to gene sequence alignment, the giant panda appeared to be phylogenetically closer to Asiatic Black Bear than the lesser panda.


更多网络解释与黑熊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bearskin hats:黑熊皮帽

pomp and pageantry 炫耀的展示 | bearskin hats 黑熊皮帽 | salute 致敬/敬礼

binturong:台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科

亚洲黑熊 I Ursus thibetanus formosanus | 台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科 Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets | 獭狸猫 II Hemigalus derbyanus

black bear:黑熊

(啊,忘了这一段,赶紧加上,不然会死人的: 黑熊 (black bear) 是可以吓退的,而灰熊 (grizzly bear) 是不能被吓退的. 在野外遇到黑熊,一是要显得比它强大,可以把背包举过头顶,并发出吼声,让它知道赚不了便宜;而灰熊的攻击性则较强,

Asiatic black bear:黑熊;亚洲黑熊

法兰德斯牧牛狗 Bouvier des Flandres | 黑熊;亚洲黑熊 Asiatic black bear | 阿拉斯加拖橇狗 Alaskan Malamute

Ursus thibetanus:黑熊

(1)圈养黑熊 (Ursus thibetanus) 之繁殖生理及其行为(4)圈养黑熊 (Ursus thibetanus) 幼兽野化训练案例研究本网站由亚太粮肥技术中心(FFTC)行政处建置维护

Ursus thibetanus:西藏黑熊

从臼齿结构特徵上看来,马坝动物群中的熊化石显然属於西藏黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)的,但其犬齿之发育程度则与棕熊(Ursus arctos)和洞熊(U. spelacus)的犬齿相似. 这可能属於个体或性别的差异. 所以只能把它划归为西藏黑熊这一种. 描述与讨论,

civets:台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科

亚洲黑熊 I Ursus thibetanus formosanus | 台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科 Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets | 獭狸猫 II Hemigalus derbyanus

palm civets:台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科

亚洲黑熊 I Ursus thibetanus formosanus | 台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科 Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets | 獭狸猫 II Hemigalus derbyanus

Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets:台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科

亚洲黑熊 I Ursus thibetanus formosanus | 台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科 Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets | 獭狸猫 II Hemigalus derbyanus

linsangs:台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科

亚洲黑熊 I Ursus thibetanus formosanus | 台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科 Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets | 獭狸猫 II Hemigalus derbyanus