英语人>词典>汉英 : 黑亮 的英文翻译,例句
黑亮 的英文翻译、例句


black and shiny
更多网络例句与黑亮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Predacious shining black or metallic terrestrial beetle that destroys many injurious insects.


Each day, this legendary lover is visited by a large number of tourists, hoping to caress its blackish feathers.


There are a great many visitors coming for this legendary "love saint" every day in the hope of having a chance to touch its blackish feather.


He said:"The old varieties of seaweed can only cut up to 8 knives, and cutting to the final quality of the more worse, bad side, while 'space on the 1st red' is not the case, it generally 10-12 knife to cut, color black Liang,taste, high production value."


He was short and top-heavy, all shoulders and chest and big round head, with close-cut, crinkled, glittering-black hair with flecks of premature grey in it and a pointed black beard likewise flecked.


But what we can do is to put on our shiny leather shoes and confront them with dignity.


A wide yellow cummerbund girdles her. A white yashmak, violet in the night, covers her face, leaving free only her large dark eyes and raven hair.


She looked up at him imploringly, her face crimson with the shame of their last meeting, and met two of the blackest eyes she had ever seen, dancing in merciless merriment.


Delicate maidenhair fern with slender shining black ''.


Delicate maidenhair fern with slender shining black leaf stalks; cosmopolitan.


更多网络解释与黑亮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Asiatic black bear:黑熊

黑熊(Asiatic black bear)是大型兽类,体长150-170cm,体重150kg左右. 耳大、眼小、嘴短而尖. 毛色黑亮而长,胸部有一"V"形白斑. 足垫厚实. 栖息于山地森林中,在中国,从东北到华南大都有分布. 多在白天活动,善爬树,会游泳,能直立行走,嗅觉、听觉灵敏.

his coal-black curls as on he rode:沐浴着阳光

from underneath his helmet flow'd 他的前额明净舒朗 | his coal-black curls as on he rode, 沐浴着阳光 | as he rode down to camelot. 黑亮的卷发在头盔下飘扬


亚洲小姐竞选中国内地赛区总决赛 泳装环节>>(2007 Miss Asia Pagenat)(泳装环节)[RMVB] >(Guess)更新至2009.11.07 超美型.爱美大丈夫(卓文萱等)[RMVB] >(GAME.GX)黑亮出品(依然为不明女主持,



jet-black dress:黑亮的连衣裙

乌黑 jet black | 黑亮的连衣裙 jet-black dress | 面带怒容 look black


尽管不同地区的服饰在颜色和风格上大有迥异,但男士的头巾(Turban)和女士的纱丽(Sari)是最具标志性的传统服饰. 印度男士对于女性美的要求近乎苛刻,头发要根根黑亮如丝,鼻子要坚挺温润. 就在这种苛责之下,印度女性的美更值得大笔一书.