英语人>词典>汉英 : 黄鹂鸟 的英文翻译,例句
黄鹂鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与黄鹂鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The octave-tone bird and the oriole, all good singers. The red-billed leiothrixof foreign tourists and are exported by pairs. Besides, chukkar from the


Any of various New World birds of the family Icteridae, such as the grackle or red-winged blackbird, the male of which has black or predominantly black plumage.


"Blackbird:any of various New World birds of the family Icteridae, such as the grackle or red-winged blackbird, the male of which has black or predominantly black plumage ."


If I may correct you, that is not a nightingale, but a golden orioles actually.


What will happen between snail and Oriole Bird?


Natural growth of the willow certainly much larger than the Oriole Bird, but when the eyes gaze yellowbird, in particular the local scene, the visual focus of the Center should be yellowbird,翠柳naturally take a back seat to become a foil bird environment .


The straight Yellowbird recipe becomes a West Indies Yellowbird through either the addition of Galliano (which some Yellowbird recipes omit) or Bols Creme de Bananes.


There are rare birds such as the red-billed leiothrix, the silver pheasant


Orioles singing is also a well-known far and wide.


There is red mouth feeling bird, eight sound birds and gold golden oriole in the rare birds, these birds all can sing a the singing for please the ear.


更多网络解释与黄鹂鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cedar waxwing:雪松太平鸟

雪松太平鸟(Cedar Waxwing) 雪松太平鸟,挺好听的名字. 长得也特殊美丽,肚子上面和翅膀上面都是淡淡的黄色,很嫩的那种. 翅尖的地方点缀了几点鲜红,特殊醒目. 说来也好笑,一开始不知道这个鸟叫什么,还以为是黄鹂一类的,

Dusky Warbler:褐柳莺

Dusky Warbler) 白尾地鸦 [白尾地鸦-简介]中文 名:白尾...黑枕黄鹂(Dusky Warbler) 黑枕黄鹂 [黑枕黄鹂-简介]中文 名:黑枕...红胁绣眼鸟(Dusky Warbler) 红胁绣眼鸟 [红胁绣眼鸟-简介]中文名...褐柳莺(Dusky Warbler) 褐柳莺 [褐柳莺

Good Old Days:光阴的故事

01 天赐欢乐 God Rest You Merry Gentlemen | 02 光阴的故事 Good Old Days | 03 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟 A Snail and a black-naped Oriole

Across the Wide Missouri:穿越密苏里州

Goodnight Irene 晚安艾琳 | Across The Wide Missouri穿越密苏里州 | Yellow Bird黄鹂鸟

Bombycilla garrulus:太平鸟(十二黄)

53 黑枕黄鹂(黄莺) Oriolus chinensis | 54 太平鸟(十二黄) Bombycilla garrulus | 55 小太平鸟(十二红) Bombycilla japonica


雀形目(Passeriformes)拟黄鸝科(Icteridae)的数种鸟类. 羽衣黑色,有虹彩,尾长. 嘴粗壮尖削,用以捕捉昆虫、从土中挖取蛴螬,以及杀死鱼和幼鸟等小型脊椎动物,还可咬碎坚硬的种子. 多数集群巢居,经繁殖形成大群,并可损害庄稼.


有人把和平鸟属(Irena)与黄鸝科(Oriolidae)以及绿叶鸟和雀鹎归於一类,放在绿叶鸟科(Chloropseidae)内. 也有人把上述所有种类或大多数种类放在鹎科(Pycnonotidae,参阅鹎(bulbul)条). 包括和平鸟在内的14种,只见於南亚和菲律宾.

Oriolus chinensis diffuses:黑枕黄鹂

33、黄鹂科 Oriolidae | (141)黑枕黄鹂 Oriolus chinensis diffuses | 34、椋鸟科 Sturnidae

black-necked starling:黑领椋鸟

black-naped oriole 黑枕黄鹂 | black-necked starling 黑领椋鸟 | black-tipped rudderfish 黑顶紫鰤

Oriolus oriolus (Linnaeus) , Golden Oriole:金黄鹂

90、黑额伯劳 * Lanius minor Gmelin , Lesser Grey Shrike | 91、金黄鹂 * Oriolus oriolus (Linnaeus) , Golden Oriole | 92、紫翅椋鸟(黑巴)* Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus ,Common Starling