英语人>词典>汉英 : 黄色 的英文翻译,例句
黄色 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flavedo  ·  maize  ·  yellow  ·  yellower  ·  yellowness  ·  yellowed

更多网络例句与黄色相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The beautiful words of maize rose is lasting smile, about spending the origin of language: An ordinary woman of fabulous ancient Rome goes out to await of warlike husband come back, everyday expect is on the hillside of overgrow yellow rose, year answer a year, but, still do not have when of the soldier return, female give ordinary her woman however because long for excessive and again maize rose Cong Zhong, also did not wake again from now on, but, the destiny always is embarrass person.


More Fe(superscript 3+) in the yellow pyromorphite is found by XRF. The result of XRF makes it sure that more Pb in the green mineral makes its vibrational frequency lower in IR.

通过XRF分析发现黄色晶体比绿色晶体含有更多的Fe(上标 3+),而Fe(上标 3+)常使矿物呈现黄色,同时证实了黄色磷氯铅矿的红外吸收峰频率偏高是因为它的铅含量低于绿色矿。

Since chemical composition and other characteristics are similar, it is quite diffictl to identify spinel from ruby and sapphires with unaided eye, which is the main reason that both gemstones have been confused long time.


Accordingly Zhang Qingchang has pointed it out,in his Color Terms in Chinese,"It could be confirmed that a solid relationship had been existed,between the yellow color and sex in ancient China,though it was no longer up to our mind since the idea had been lost for thousands of years".To Westerners yellow is associated with some negative meanings for it was the color that Judas,the notorious traitor had worn.Yellow is used to referred to the journals that feeds on the low taste of the mob and books that are literally worthless(yellow press,yellow journalism,yellow back).At other times it is used on a despicable personor a coward(who was descripted as yellow streak or yellow-livered).

西方文化中的黄使人联想到背叛耶稣的犹太所穿衣服的颜色,所以黄色带有不好的象征意义,它除了表示低级趣味的报刊、毫无文学价值的书籍(如 yellow press黄色报刊,yellow journalism黄色办报作风,y ellow back廉价轰动一时的小说)外,主要表示卑鄙、胆怯,如(1)yellow dog卑鄙的人,(2)yellow streak胆怯,(3)yellow-livered胆小的。

Percent and 21. 4 percent respectively. F1 plants of R01 self-cross also present diverse colors such as white, pink, red, nacarat/saffron, dark yellow, yellow and so on, And the pink and the nacarat/saffron plants have the highest proportions, 50.6 percent and 31. 4 percent, respectively. The wide segregation chromatogram of self-cross progeny implies that these two varieties themselves contain the abundant genetic polymorphism. The ISSR genetic diversity analysis and the principle factor analysis were performed using 49 plants of RP1 self-cross progeny population and 123 plants of R01 self-cross progeny population.


From ancient times to recent times, the Chinese feudal dynasties regard Yellow as the noble hue. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the biggest palace in the world. The Yellow in that city demonstrates the noble. Yellow emperor chairs, Yellow table clouts, Yellow emperor drabs etc all follow the noble hue ever.


You go and find out if those trees are oozing yellow resin. Use a knife and try to find out if the resin is yellow. If it is yellow, that is the material that you are looking for. You do not want it if it is white like milk. We need the yellow one. It is like amber which is made of tree resin.


Their common structure and annual changing pattern of mycorhizae are as follows: Fungi infect and form endomycorrhizal structure with plants throughout the latter's grown period, and hyphae exist in the cortical cells of roots in the following four forms: Coffee-colored or yellow big peloton consisting of twisted hyphae; Dust-colored or yellow big peloton consisting of fragmentary hyphae; Colorless scattered hyphae; Orange or yellow small peloton with blurry hyphae.


The gemological characteristics of lemon-yellow serpentine jade are studied by the conventional gemology instrument and the polarizing microscope; the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible light absorption spectra, X-ray power diffraction and electron probe quantitative analysis have also been used to study the lemon-yellow serpentine jade.


A bright red lips, His face pale yellow, olive green, Two wings have obvious titian wing spot, laryngeal prominence to the chest, the yellow or orange is a lonely, sets.


更多网络解释与黄色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam:月光'轮叶金鸡菊 黄色

19 '大花'轮叶金鸡菊 黄色 Coreopsis verticillata 'Grandiflora' | 20 '月光'轮叶金鸡菊 黄色 Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' | 21 '萨格勒布'轮叶金鸡菊 黄色 Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb'


一、黄色瘤(xanthoma)是一种异常的局限性皮肤隆凸起, 其颜色可为黄色、桔黄色或棕红色, 多呈结节、斑块或丘疹形状, 质地一般柔软. 主要是由于真皮内集聚了吞噬脂质的巨噬细胞(泡沫细胞)又名黄色瘤细胞所致. 根据黄色瘤的形态、发生部位,

xanthoma:黄瘤 黄色瘤

xanthogranulomatouspyelonephritis 黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎 | xanthoma 黄瘤 黄色瘤 | xanthomacell 黄瘤细胞 黄色瘤细胞

testing methods for yellowness index and change of yellowness index of plastics:塑料黄色指数及黄色变化试验方法

m3025 多乙酸乙烯酯试验方法 testing met... | m3026 塑料黄色指数及黄色变化试验方法 testing methods for yellowness index and change of yellowness index of plastics | m3028 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛试验方法 testing m...


flav. 黄色的 | flavescent 稍带黄色的 | flavicant 黄色


xanthophyl 黄色色素 | xanthoproteic 黄色蛋白质的 | xanthoprotein 黄色蛋白


xanthophyl 叶黄素 | xanthous 黄色的,黄色人种 | xathine 黄嘌呤


(六)、扁平黄色瘤(xanthelasma) 见于睑周, 又有睑黄色瘤之称, 是较为常见的一种黄色瘤. 表现为眼睑周围处发生桔黄色略高出皮面的扁平丘疹状或片状瘤, 边界清楚, 质地柔软. 泛发的可波及面、颈、躯干和肢体, 为扁平淡黄色或棕黄色丘疹,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine:黄色潜水艇,黄色潜水艇

We all live in a yellow submarine 我们都住在一艘黄色潜水艇上 | Yellow submarine, yellow submarine 黄色潜水艇,黄色潜水艇 | And our friends are all aboard 我们的朋友都在艇上

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine:黄色潜水艇啊,黄色潜水艇

We all live in our yellow submarine, 我们住在黄色潜水艇里, | Yellow submarine, yellow submarine 黄色潜水艇啊,黄色潜水艇 | We all live in our yellow submarine, 我们住在黄色潜水艇里,