英语人>词典>汉英 : 麻痹状态 的英文翻译,例句
麻痹状态 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
palsy  ·  palsies  ·  palsying

更多网络例句与麻痹状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To Belgium and Italy also the truth had extended. Thousands were awakening from their deathlike stupor to the joy and hope of a life of faith.


In the kinetic aspect, children with spastic diplegia demonstrated smaller maximal extension moment and power of knee joints than did typical children in the natural condition. In the loaded condition, both the maximal hip and knee extension moment increased and the maximal knee extension moment increased to the level of typical children.


Hibernation is a physiological adaptation to environmental factors in animals. It also can increase survival during extreme conditions. Lizard, phrynocephalus przewalskii, which is a natural hibernator is endemic to China.


This would seem to be a complimentary term, but in point of fact it is not, for it has picked up associations of impracticality and ineffectuality and general dopiness.


A state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility.


From the old wood came an ancient melancholy, somehow soothing to her, better than the harsh insentience of the outer world.


This apathy, peculiar to the Marais, presented a contrast with the vast surrounding uproar.


Cried Andrea, who seemed roused from the torpor in which he had been plunged


He fell into a deep torpor .


Stimulation of the nucleus accumbens could strongly inhibit spontaneous as well as the nociceptive discharges of the lateral habenular nucleus units which were excited by noxious stimulation.


更多网络解释与麻痹状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cheri Berry:恢复麻痹

mental herb 精神花 中着迷状态时自动复原 | Cheri Berry 恢复麻痹 | Chesto Berry恢复睡眠


(1)河豚(globefish)中毒:河豚主要含河豚毒素,是一种神经毒素,进入人体后作用于周围神经及脑干中枢致神经呈麻痹状态. 早期症状是口唇、舌、指尖发麻,眼睑下垂,不久即出现消化道症状,进而出现口唇、舌尖及肢端麻木、四肢无力或肌肉麻痹、共济失调等神经系统症状.


palstance 角速度 | palsy 麻痹状态 | palsy-walsy 装得亲密的


当你被麻痹(paralyzed),昏迷(unconscious),或者睡眠(asleep)时你即陷入无助状态. Q:所谓的整轮动作会在何时发生?术士的升阶法术(或者任何搭配了超魔专长的法术)是在该术士本回合行动结束时完成,还是到该术士下回合行动之前才完成?

shaking palsy:震颤麻痹

用帕金森病取代震颤麻痹 (shaking palsy),纠正了症状学命名带来的局限性和初级性;肌僵直(rigidity) 应定义为有锥体外系参与的病理性肌张力升高的状态,是帕金森病常见的主要症状之一;肌强直 (spasticity) 指有锥体系参与而常伴随阳性病理反射的病理性肌张力升高的状态;

Shed Skin:蜕皮 一回合回复异常状态

せいでんき Static 静电 受到近身攻击时有一定几率使对手陷入麻痹状态 | だっぴ Shed Skin 蜕皮 一回合回复异常状态 | ちからもち Huge Power 巨力 一定几率提升物理攻击力

spastic paralysis:痉挛性麻痹

\\"解挛药\\",\\"spasmolytics\\" | \\"痉挛性麻痹\\",\\"spastic paralysis\\" | \\"痉挛性,痉挛状态\\",\\"spasticity\\"

spastic paralysis:肌痉挛状态

滑胎:recurrent spontaneous abortion | 肌痉挛状态:spastic paralysis | 周期性麻痹:Periodic paralysis

attitudinal reflex:状态反射

姿势反射 Postural refelex | 状态反射 Attitudinal reflex | 震颤麻痹 Paralysis agitans

soon progressed from this state:病情很快发展到一种更加奇怪的状态

paralysis, or cataplexy 这里应该翻译成麻痹,正常人在REM期全身... | soon progressed from this state . . . 病情很快发展到一种更加奇怪的状态 | One of the principal ways to measure sleep 这里的principal way...