英语人>词典>汉英 : 鸡尾酒 的英文翻译,例句
鸡尾酒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cocktail  ·  cocktails  ·  Cocktail

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Many hotels in Havana also add Angostura bitters to cut the sweetness of the mojito; while a popular variation, it is not the original version created in La Bodeguita del Medio.

哈瓦那的很多酒店也添加一种叫Angostura的苦味液来减少Mojito的甜味,然而这是一种经过改变的流行鸡尾酒,并不是在La Bodeguita del Medio创作的传统鸡尾酒

Nowadays, although there is no feather from a cock's tail seen in a cocktail bar or a cocktail party, the mixed alcohol called by the name cocktail has become very popular in the social life of many countries.


A:Fine. One special cocktail and one non-alcoholic cocktail for the ladies and two draught Five Star Beer.


Miltas recipe is in turn similar to the Savoy Cocktail Books Rose Cocktail (French No. 3) but uses raspberry syrup instead of the Savoys grenadine.


The Savoy Cocktail Book lists a Marmalade Cocktail that is quite similar, but that omits triple sec.


Cocktail has appeared in the occident before two centuries, and cocktail has been necessary and unreplaced art wine.


" "Cocktail is a stimulating liquor composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water, and bitters--it is vulgarly called a bittered sling and is supposed to be an excellent electioneering potion, inasmuch as it renders the heart stout and bold, at the same time that it fuddles the head.

第二早且在官方认可的印刷品中使用&鸡尾酒&一词的是1806年5月13日版的Balance and Columbian Repository,纽约州哈德逊市的出版品,为什么是鸡尾酒提供了如下的答案:鸡尾酒是组合了任何类型的烈酒、砂糖、水和苦啤酒的刺激烈酒,粗俗的人称它为bittered sling,并认为它是极佳的竞选良药,因为它会导致大胆和鲁莽,同时使头脑混乱。

But now a coterie of young, ambitious mixologists are using enormous cubes custom made by ice sculpture suppliers for shakers, ice balls the size of oranges for drinks on the rocks, long ice tubes for highballs, pea-size ice in frosty swizzles and pieces muddler-crushed in muslin for juleps.


Do have the Mandarin Mojito there as its a very interesting twist on Mojito's.


During Cocktail Hour, selected cocktails for just 20 RMB.

鸡尾酒时间由傍晚 6:00 点至晚上9:00 点,特选鸡尾酒20 元一杯。

更多网络解释与鸡尾酒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cocktails in Appalachia:阿巴拉契亚的鸡尾酒(太离谱了)

Were we at the same table? It's like...|我们是坐在同一桌吗... | ...cocktails in Appalachia.|...阿巴拉契亚的鸡尾酒(太离谱了) | -They' re close. -Close? Her tongue's in his ear.|-他们感情很好 -感情很好?她...

Benedictine Cocktail:当姆鸡尾酒

当姆鸡尾酒(Benedictine Cocktail) 1点安哥斯特拉苦酒 40mL当姆香草利口酒 摇和法,摇妥之宾将酒液滤入沾有糖边的鸡尾酒杯内,杯口装饰1粒红樱桃. 硬汉(Bulldog) 20mL青柠果汁 15mL白色老姆酒 30mL樱桃白兰地酒 摇和法,用鸡尾酒杯盛载.

cocktail lounge:鸡尾酒餐厅

鸡尾酒餐厅 cocktail lounge | 健康证书 health certificate | 接待员 receptionist

cocktail?party phenomenon:鸡尾酒会现象

cocktail?party effect 鸡尾酒会效应 | cocktail?party phenomenon 鸡尾酒会现象 | coconscious 并存意识的

Cuba Libre:自由古巴(由朗姆酒和可乐调制的鸡尾酒)

tequila sunrise:日出龙舌兰(一种鸡尾酒) | grasshopper:草蜢,绿色蚱蜢(一种鸡尾酒) | cuba libre:自由古巴(由朗姆酒和可乐调制的鸡尾酒)

Kir Royal:皇家基尔 欧式的餐前酒,也是世界级的鸡尾酒

PINA COLADA 椰林漂香 增加罗曼蒂克气氛 | KIR ROYAL 皇家基尔 欧式的餐前酒,也是世界级的鸡尾酒 | MARTINI 马丁尼 有鸡尾酒国王之美誉


浪漫鸡尾酒-X.Y.Z | 鸡尾酒-梦幻勒曼湖 FANTASTIC LEMAN | 冰冻蓝色玛格丽特 FROZEN BLUE MARGARITA


在酒吧中,通常有多种含酒精及不含酒精的饮料供应,它们包括:1.含酒精的饮料:啤酒(beer)、雪利酒(sherry)、香槟酒(champagne)、葡萄酒(wine)、鸡尾酒(cocktail)、马丁尼鸡尾酒(martini)、苦艾酒(vermouth)及一些烈性酒(liquor or spirit),

The taste of "Pink Lady" is:红粉佳人"(鸡尾酒名)的味道有点儿甜

79. "罗马假日" (鸡尾酒名)看上去不错. ( "Holiday In Rome" looks nice. ) | 80. "红粉佳人"(鸡尾酒名)的味道有点儿甜. ( The taste of "Pink Lady" is | sweet. ) 题型二 英译中

cocktail shaker sort:鸡尾酒筛动排序

鸡尾酒 Cocktail | 鸡尾酒筛动排序 cocktail shaker sort | CoCo 彩色计算机 CoCo