英语人>词典>汉英 : 鸡 的英文翻译,例句
鸡 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
chook  ·  sultan

更多网络例句与鸡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the bed-wetting, then most of the world will be a man of small insects鸡鸡would like small, do you believe it?


You can give the child to eat cooked egg, you can eat蒸鸡custard.


General have Rou, rice flour meat, white meat cooked clearance, liver,白斩鸡, porchetta, round bean curd, fried Rong, slice, fish health as well as 8 or 10 dishes.


I especially liked three Panzhihua specialties:酸辣蕨粉(sour-spicy rice noodles - fabulous),油底肉(a meat dish I don't know how to translate), and 鸡枞(turkey broth...hot, flavourful and nourishing).


We proposed this SNP site correlated with IMP content in chickens. A neighbour-joining dendrogram was constructed based on the Nei's genentic distance. The genetic relationship between Chinese red jungle fowl and Tibetan chickens was the nearest, whereas Baier chickens were more closer to Silkies chickens. The Chinese red jungle fowls were relatively closer to the domestic fowls, whereas Thailand red jungle fowls were relatively diverging to the Chi-nese native breeds. These results supported the theory concerning the independent origins of Chinese native fowl breeds.


When necessary, injection of vitamin D3 injection. 2, Do not think that baby touch "small鸡鸡"一摸thought of "sex", the children are still very small not mind adults; to children check whether I have stems, pinworm, eczema, pants too tight and so on.


Numbers near the branches were bootstrap probability values coming from 1000 replications. Some bootstrap probability values were 92%(Coturnix chinensis/ Coturnix japonica), 100%(Tetraogallus altaicus/ Tetraogallus himalayensis), and 100%(Tetraogallus altaicus/ Tetraogallus himalayensis/ Tetraogallus tibetanus. The overall average distance was 0.112, and average genetic distance among Tetralgallus was 0.042. The genera Alectoris, Coturnix, Tetrao-gallus and Pucrasia formed a monophyletic group.


Court仿膳restaurant has about 800 kinds of dishes, including shark's fin Fissidens, Jinchan Yu Bao, a官燕goods, oil save prawns, fish宫门Xian, slipped the most distinctive鸡脯; name point豌豆黄, kidney beans volume, small窝头, minced meat, etc.


The enzyme linked immunosorbent assayhas been done to detect Avain Leukosis Virus in the albumen from two flocks of chicken and one Marek's disease vaccine. The percent sample positive for ALV in one flock is 11%, the other is 29%.


A pair of married couples in 78, it appears in the others could hang two conditions is true that the talented men, woman, sensible, but they always argue鸡飞狗跳, he too does not want her as beautiful, she does not know how to complain he was considerate; his offensive drop her at every turn, and she worries for his standoffish neighbor; he disgusted her weekend only buy fashion, is also not motivated, she hated him with the two-hand money into the bar with friends, bowling alley, it was renamed as the "looking for inspiration,"...... the most terrible noise when two or even signing a divorce agreement, but, because of opposition from both parents, they had to temporarily stay under the same roof.


更多网络解释与鸡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


物密花豆的藤茎冠花(Flos Celosiae Cristatae) 苋科植物冠花的花序屎藤(Herba Paederiae) 茜草科植物屎藤的全草或其任何部分骨香(Radix Crotonis Crassifolii) 大戟科植物骨香的根骨草(Herba Abri) 豆科植物广州相思


黑水是属于秧科的水鸟,较扁的体型与骨顶(coot)十分相似. 黑水又被称为水(water hen)或泽. 黑水分布在英国和西半球的部分地区. 尽管黑水的脚趾是分开的没有脚蹼,但它们却是游泳和潜水的好手.

Infectious Coryza:鸡传染性鼻炎

传染性鼻炎(Infectious Coryza)是由副嗜血杆菌引起的的一种急性呼吸道传染病,其特征是鼻腔和鼻窦发炎,打喷嚏,流鼻液,颜面肿胀,结膜炎等. 本病可在育成群和蛋群中发生,其所造成的经济损失包括只生长停滞、淘汰率增加,

jungle fowl:原鸡

她希望减少人类对的消费,恢复的散养,让长得慢一点,宰杀之前保障基本的生存福利,有一个幸福完满的一生,恢复"原"(jungle fowl)的尊严和快乐. 她的口号是"快乐的"?happy chickens?,"慢慢长大的"?slow chickens?.

Chicken Little:鸡仔总动员/四眼天鸡/小鸡大电影

但暂不仔总动员/四眼天/小大电影(Chicken Little)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关仔总动员/四眼天/小大电影(Chicken Little)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

Spring Chicken:春鸡

d Pork Balls in Soy Sauce)、四喜丸子"四个高兴的肉团"直接译成四喜丸(Four-Joy Meatballs)、宫保丁也不在被"政府虐待"而是带着港台味道的宫保丁(Kung Pao Chicken)啦、童子再不会"没有性生活",改名叫了春(Spring Chicken).

Fowl Typhoid:鸡伤寒

群应使用不含动物副产品或含已知无沙门氏菌副产品 的颗粒料.概述 伤寒(Fowl Typhoid)是由伤寒沙门氏菌引起的,以肝,脾等 伤寒 实质器官的病变和下痢为特征,发生于成年和青年的败血性传染病,呈急性或慢性,主 要侵害与火,

Gallinula tenebrosa:乌水鸡(暗色水鸡)

4. 紫水 Porphyrio porphyrio | 5. 乌水(暗色水)Gallinula tenebrosa | 6. 骨顶(白骨顶)Fulica atra


科(Numididae)是形目下的一个科. 珠分布于非洲大陆和马达加斯加岛 雌雄羽色相似 为黑色基底上遍布白色点斑 如同珍珠. 共有4属7种. 鹫珠是珠种体型最大的成员 盔珠是珠中分布最广泛的 一直分布到阿拉伯半岛 是唯一可见于非洲以外的珠 现在已经被驯化成了家禽.

Rhodotypos scandens:{鸡麻}{鸡蔴}{鸡麻 (红)

Rhododendron yedoense {东京杜鹃} | Rhodotypos scandens {麻}{蔴}{麻 (红)} | Rhoeo discolor {紫叶万年青}