英语人>词典>汉英 : 鸟啭 的英文翻译,例句
鸟啭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
warble  ·  warbling  ·  warbles

更多网络例句与鸟啭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The conceit came to me of a copious grove of singing birds, and in their midst a simple harmonic duo, two human souls, steadily asserting their own pensiveness, joyousness.


The conceit came to me of a copious grove of singing birds, and in their midst a simple harmonic duo, two human souls, steadily asserting their own pensiveness, joyousness.天天学习网,http://www.ttxxz.com


Maybe they are the famed orioles, pity I don't know: but let me call them oriole.


From outside came the high warble of approaching sirens, still too far off.


Sing by changing register; sing by yodeling

n。 啭鸟,鸣鸟,用颤音歌唱的人

Once casual pass bird shop , being the god of thoroughbred form and gentle , to admiration singing attract.


To begin with the review of human's understanding on the brain, we will explain the brain formation and working principles in simple terms. How the complex and ingenious structure of brain is formed? Why can we see the colorful world? Why can we hear the sweet warble of the bird and touching music? Why do we have intelligence and thoughts? Why do we have pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy? How can we acquire information and form consolidated memory, and what can affect the learning and memory? Why do we need sleep, and what determine the biorhythm? How do we control our movement, thinking and emotion? How do Alzheimer's disease, stroke, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and drug addiction happen? Can adult neuron regenerate?


更多网络解释与鸟啭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

caroler:欢唱[颂歌] 的人

carol /欢乐之歌/颂歌/鸟的啭声/欢唱/啭/唱颂歌赞美/ | caroler /欢唱[颂歌] 的人/ | caroller /欢唱[颂歌] 的人/


04 Azure Skies 蔚蓝天空 (05:59 | 05 The Songbird 鸟语流啭 (01:03) | 06 Love And Devotion 爱之颂 (06:11)


一只黑脸啭鸟(warbler)在荆棘里急急逃开. 它跟其他不断拥进北路沟河谷的画眉(Kessler'sthrushe)、夜莺、北京知更鸟等夏季候鸟,不久就要飞走. 我回去时,早餐已准备好,照常是稀饭、炸花生米、白煮蛋、蒸馒头及各色酱菜. 十二月十四日,


warbler 啭鸟 | waxwing 太平鸟 | wild goose 大雁