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鳍 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
fin  ·  fins  ·  fim

更多网络例句与鳍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of a large group of fishes of the superorder Acanthopterygii,having bony skeletons and spiny rays in the dorsal and anal fin s and including the bass,perch,mackerel,and swordfish.


Due to strong disturbance of fin angle, surplus forces are produced that can badly influence static and dynamic characteristic of loading system.


Of swimming creatures that are destitute of feet, some have winglets or fins, as fishes: and of these some have four fins, two above on the back, two below on the belly, as the gilthead and the basse; some have two only,-to wit, such as are exceedingly long and smooth, as the eel and the conger; some have none at all, as the muraena, but use the sea just as snakes use dry ground-and by the way, snakes swim in water in just the same way.

一些没有脚的动物有小翼或者,如鱼;这样的动物有些有四只,两只在背上,两只在腹部,如乌颊鱼和 BASSE ;一些只有两只,理智的说,就如那些极度修长和平滑的鳗鲡和康吉鳗;一些动物没有,如同 MURAENA ,但是在海里就如同蛇在陆地,并且顺便说一下,蛇在水里游也是使用同样的方式。

Any of various fishes of the family Cyclopteridae,especially Cyclopterus lumpus of North Atlantic waters,having pelvic fin s united to form a suction disk and a body bearing prominent tubercles.


Any of a large group of fishes of the superorder Acanthopterygii,having bony skeleton s and spiny rays in the dorsal and anal fins and including the bass,perch,mackerel,and swordfish.


Any of a large group of fishes of the superorder Acanthopterygii, having bony skeletons and spiny rays in the dorsal and anal fins and including the bass, perch, mackerel, and swordfish.


Colors below the posterior dorsal rags fin are identical and no black spots on them. The distance from anterior to posterior dorsal fin base (the distance between the two dorsal fins) was relatively short. The base of the two ventral fins united and concaved narrowly.


This paper describes a quasi-linearization method for computing the anti-rolling behaviour of ships for the condition of the fin s saturation. In the evaluation of the lift of the fin s the interaction effects between the fin s and bilge keels, and between the fin$$...


Diseased cobias were collected from some net-cage farms at Hsiqu Liouchiou Island, next to Dunggang, Taiwan. Some little nodes appeared on surfaces of their fins and skins. When the symptom became serious, they looked like sarcomas. Almost every organ, including liver, spleen, kidney, fin, heart, stomach, intestine of a hard-sick cobia were dealt through the following processes:fixation, section and staining. Only at the connective tissues of fins and epithelium did we find hypertrophy cells which own big nuclei and inclusion bodies around the nuclei.


The Fuzzy-PID controller of fin stabilizer was designed based on fuzzy control and PID control theory. The controller of Fin Stabilizer is designed which uses roll angle and angular velocity of roll angel as input and fin angel as output. The model of ship is built based on Conolly theory. The controller is simulated using MATLAB. Results shows that compared with conventional PID controller, the FUZZY-PID controller has better effect.


更多网络解释与鳍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acanthopterygian:棘鳍类的鱼 棘鳍类的

acanthopterygian fish | 棘鱼 | acanthopterygian | 棘类的鱼 棘类的 | acanthous | 棘状的, 刺状的

adipose fin:脂鳍

高等的棘鱼类(Acanthopterygii)有2个背,第一背由棘组成,第二背主要由软条组成;低等的软鱼类(Malacopterygii)只有一个由软条组成的背,有些种类(鲑、大麻哈鱼、黄颡鱼等)在单个背之后还有一个脂肪性的脂(adipose fin),鳕鱼类有3个背


finno-ugric /包括/ | finny /有的/状的/鱼族的/ | fins //


高等的棘鱼类(Acanthopterygii)有2个背,第一背由棘组成,第二背主要由软条组成;低等的软鱼类(Malacopterygii)只有一个由软条组成的背,有些种类(鲑、大麻哈鱼、黄颡鱼等)在单个背之后还有一个脂肪性的脂(adipose fin),


硬骨鱼纲(Osteichthyes)、弓鱼目(Amiiformes)、弓鱼科(Amiidae)的1属. 中华弓鱼(Sinamia)在中国中生代后期常见,有些作者认为它代表一独立科──中华弓鱼科(Sina-miidae),另一些作者将其列入弓鱼科. 其形态特征与弓鱼属相似,


在某些分类系统中,腔棘鱼和扇鱼均被认为隶属总亚纲(Crossopterygii)内之不同目. 现代腔棘鱼是矛尾鱼科(Latimeriidae)的深海鱼,因棘中空故名. 体型大於多数化石种. 是凶猛的掠食者,体粗重而多黏液,呈肢状,行动灵活.


鱼目(Crossopterygii)一些叶硬骨鱼类的统称. 近缘但已绝灭的扇鱼亚目(Rhipidistia)的种类被认为是陆生脊椎动物的祖先. 在某些分类系统中,腔棘鱼和扇鱼均被认为隶属总亚纲(Crossopterygii)内之不同目.


鱼或者吸盘圆鱼(Lumpsucker)是一种身材短小厚实的鱼类,通常生长在大西洋两岸的冷水海域,通过该种鱼的皮肤外附带着的类似于瘤的物体就可以清晰分辨它们. 圆鱼的拉丁文名称为Cyclopterus lumpus属于圆鱼科(Cyclopteridae)

pterygium; ichthyopterygium:鳍(型肢);鳍型;吻侧小片;翅小片;翼状赘肉

骨 pterygiophore; actinost | (型肢);型;吻侧小片;翅小片;翼状赘肉 pterygium; ichthyopterygium | 羽状鳃 pterygobranchiate


本受器 proprioceptor | 前基骨;前骨;前基软骨 propterygium | 前蛹 propupa; prepupa