英语人>词典>汉英 : 鳄鱼 的英文翻译,例句
鳄鱼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cayman  ·  crocodile  ·  crocodilian  ·  caymans  ·  crocodiles

更多网络例句与鳄鱼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some of his variations are rather extravagant; one of them is, that the lion jumped quite through the crocodile, and was making his escape at the back door, when, as soon as his head appeared, Monsieur the Great Baron cut it off, and three feet of the crocodile's tail along with it; nay, so little attention has this fellow to the truth, that he sometimes adds, as soon as the crocodile missed his tail, he turned about, snatched the couteau de chasse out of Monsieur's hand, and swallowed it with such eagerness that it pierced his heart and killed him immediately!


That ever lived, Sarcosuchus sprouted from a side branch of the crocodilian family tree separate from that leading to modern crocodiles.


Among the very largest crocs that ever lived, Sarcosuchus sprouted from a side branch of the crocodilian family tree separate from that leading to modern crocodiles


Among the very largest crocs that ever lived, Sarcosuchus sprouted from a side branch of the crocodilian family tree separate from that leading to modern crocodile s


Among the very largest crocs that ever lived, Sarcosuchus sprout ed from a side branch of the crocodilian family tree separate from that leading to modern crocodiles


Despite its slow-witted demeanor and tendency to bask motionlessly in the hot sun, it's a mistake to believe that an alligator will passively tolerate a half nelson, no matter how much Southern Comfort is fueling it.


His college thesis was on the spectacled cayman; he lived in Gainesville, Florida, where alligators sun on the paths; his favourite work involved drifting, by torchlight, in a silent punt among the vegetation mats of the Mamirauá in Brazil or the llanos of Venezuela, with crocodilians darkly all about him, or looping them up on a six-foot pole to take DNA samples from them and massage their scaly necks.


Weighing over 500 pounds, Bouya Blan is one of only 12 white alligators in the world.


He extolled their niceness, snapping them as they basked companionably on warm mud or on a favourite bank of long grass, the forefoot of one embracing the back of another.


Man shoots co-worker while rescuing him from crocodile Two crocodile farm workers in northern Australia were collecting crocodile eggs by a river bank when a crocodile grabbed one of them by the arm.


更多网络解释与鳄鱼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


夜色将鳄鱼掩藏在了深黑的潭水中,虽然看不真切他们的身形,不过当电筒光扫过,眼前浮现出数对红色的亮点时,兴奋之情还是难抑的. 这一夜的探险,每个人都是满载而归. 就这样,偶们与大沼泽的野生美洲鳄鱼(alligator)打了第一个照面.

alligator skin:鳄鱼皮 alligator产于美洲的鳄鱼

all man-made material全人造材料 | alligator skin鳄鱼皮 alligator产于美洲的鳄鱼 | aluminum last铝楦 aluminum [化]铝

alligator skin:鳄鱼皮表面,橘皮表面

alligator hide | 橘皮表面 | alligator skin | 鳄鱼皮表面,橘皮表面 | alligator surface | 鳄鱼皮表面

Polypterus bichir lapradei:鳄鱼恐龙王

)第六种:鳄鱼恐龙王(Polypterus bichir lapradei)这是我最爱之一. 这鳄鱼系列的恐龙还有,尼罗河恐龙王(Polypterus bichir bichir)即比卡丘(最大恐龙王,最大记录120cm)几内亚恐龙(Polypterus ansorgii)即安氏恐龙

The crocodile bird:鳄鱼的牙医--鳄鱼鸟

Buzzy bee's day Buzzy会告诉你蜜蜂是益虫,请你也告诉你的朋友不要伤害它们. | The crocodile bird 鳄鱼的牙医--鳄鱼鸟 | Dogs that work 狗是我们的朋友

crocodile tears:鳄鱼的眼泪

鳄鱼虽然能吃人,但人若在它没张嘴前把它的尖嘴用胳臂抱住,鳄鱼就流不出来眼泪了. "鳄鱼的眼泪"(crocodile tears)就是中文"猫哭耗子"(假慈悲)的意思. 因为传说鳄鱼吃被它咬死的动物的时候要哭.

crocodile skin:桔皮,鳄皮状鳞癣,鳄鱼皮,鳄鱼皮缺陷

crocodile shears 杠杆式剪断机 | crocodile skin 桔皮,鳄皮状鳞癣,鳄鱼皮,鳄鱼皮缺陷 | crocodile spanner 鳄头扳手


crocking /摩擦脱色/ | crocodilian /鳄鱼的/鳄鱼一样的/鳄鱼/ | crocodiling /鳄纹/

crocodile shears:鳄鱼剪杠杆式剪床

crocodile shears 鳄鱼剪 | crocodile shears 鳄鱼剪杠杆式剪床 | crocodile 鳄鱼

head lice and Crocs:等一下 虱子和鳄鱼牌?|- 没有人穿鳄鱼牌了

It's worse than wearing Crocs.|... | - Wait, head lice and Crocs?|- No one's actually wearing Crocs, Dyl.|- 等一下 虱子和鳄鱼牌?|- 没有人穿鳄鱼牌了 DyI | Actually, I think Shelby has a pair|in orange.|...