英语人>词典>汉英 : 鱼翅 的英文翻译,例句
鱼翅 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fin  ·  fins  ·  fim

shark's fins · shark's fin · shark fin
更多网络例句与鱼翅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rough eight bowl is fried shrimp, fish slipped, meat ball, fish cooked in soy and vinegar Waterloo, boil for a short time white meat strips, Benedict gluten, roast pork, fried meatball, meat, such as pine Selected portfolio; fine炒青shrimp from eight bowl, two chicken cooked in soy and vinegar silk, burning three-wire, the whole stew, Crab custard, cucumber ball, bullions meat, chicken broth, chicken cooked in soy and vinegar demolished home boiled fish, mushrooms, etc. Second slip Selected formed; high eight bowl is by the shark four silk, Yipin Officer Yan, shark family blocks,桂花鱼bone, shrimp custard, oil slide covered, burning scallops, scallops four-wire,寿字meat, meat and other hi word combination of.


On behalf of the wedded couple, I'd like to thank you all for the stories that have appeared on the internet and in print, but I'd like to point out that there were some untruths in those stories, for instance, that there was a dish by the name of "Braised bamboo fungus and fish maw in sharks fin" on the menu. As we all know, Yao Ming is the frontman of the "Protecting sharks begins with me" campaign and he has promised at the WildAid event that he would not eat sharks fin at any time or under any circumstance. Hence, there was no sharks fin at the wedding tonight.


If you go to a Cantonese seafood restaurant grades enough to see, you will find an interesting phenomenon: like what the abalone shark's fin, geoduck, braised shark's fin large, reference goose Cheng Liao Abalone Sauce pot, secret system, Abalone casserole and other dishes are generally loved by men, while the wings papaya, papaya stew Xueha ointment were all objects of the woman's disk.


Hundreds of tonnes of shark fin have been landed by the UK fleet under these permits since the EU shark finning regulation was adopted.


Shark finning was banned by the EU in 2003 but loopholes in the legislation have allowed fishing boats in UK waters to continue finning.


MPs demanded that "on no occasion should the UK government approve any derogation from the shark finning legislation in order to allow UK-registered vessels to remove shark fins at sea".


Fishermen lug sharks onto their boats and cut off only their fins, leaving them to die or to be eaten alive by other fish in the sea. This inhumane practice has spurred some countries to ban shark 'finning'. But increased demand has also led to a growing illegal market.


But now UK fisheries ministers have decided to halt the issuing of these permits, a move that will ensure the UK fishing fleet complies with the original intent of the EU finning ban – that sharks are landed with their fins naturally attached.


As Sonja Fordham, policy director of the Shark Alliance, recently told the BBC:"Requiring that sharks be landed with their fins attached is by far the most reliable means of enforcing a ban on shark finning."


On behalf of the wedded couple, I'd like to thank you all for the stories that have appeared on the internet and in print, but I'd like to point out that there were some untruths in those stories, for instance, that there was a dish by the name of "Braised bamboo fungus and fish maw in sharks fin" on the menu. As we all know, Yao Ming is the frontman of the "Protecting sharks begins with me" campaign and he has promised at the WildAid event that he would not eat sharks fin at any time or under any circumstance. Hence, there was no sharks fin at the wedding tonight.


更多网络解释与鱼翅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

shark fin:鱼翅

肯尼亚公司出售鲨鱼翅(shark fin)以及阿拉伯树胶肯商供应鱼胃(FISHMAW)可以提供橙子,木瓜,香蕉,芒果,法国豆,洋葱,番茄等,肯商供应阿拉伯树胶、没药、乳香脂、芦荟等产品 阿拉伯树胶(Gum Arabic)、没药(Myrrh)、乳香脂(Olibanum)、芦荟(Aloe vera)和Oppoponax[haggar]等产品,

shark fin:鱼翅篇

日式寿司拼盘 Assorted sushi plate Japanese style | 4. 鱼翅篇Shark fin | 5. 鲍鱼篇Abalone

shark fin:鲨鱼鳍;鱼翅

shark 鲨鱼(统称) | shark fin 鲨鱼鳍;鱼翅 | shark liver oil 鲨鱼肝油

shar fn:鱼翅

abalone 鲍鱼 | shar fn 鱼翅 | scallops 干贝

Stew Fumet Shark fin:原焖鱼翅

1、三丝燕菜 Braised Swiflets Nest with Three Slices | 2、原焖鱼翅 Stew Fumet Shark fin | 3、清汤大乌参 Consomme Uzbek Senate

overfish for their fins:为了鱼翅过度捕捞

she is susceptible to cold 易感冒的 | overfish for their fins 为了鱼翅过度捕捞 | aquarium 鱼缸;水族馆

Reflective prism tape on the fin:反射棱镜磁带上的鱼翅

Vinyl Coated乙烯基涂层 | Reflective prism tape on the fin反射棱镜磁带上的鱼翅 | Editorial Review: 社论回顾:

scallop soup:鱼翅汤

五滋汤 shark's fin soup | 鱼翅汤 scallop soup | 干贝汤 snake potage with eight delicacies

Aileron de requin brais:红烧鱼翅

虾子海参 Holothuries aux oeufs de crevette | 红烧鱼翅 Aileron de requin braisé | 乌龙吐珠 Holothuries aux oeufs de pigeon

Aileron de requin velout:鸡蓉鱼翅

煲锅四宝 Quatre trsors l'tuve | 鸡蓉鱼翅 Aileron de requin velout | 鸡汁鲍鱼 Ormiers en sauce de poulet