英语人>词典>汉英 : 鱼类区系 的英文翻译,例句
鱼类区系 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ichthyofauna  ·  piscifauna

更多网络例句与鱼类区系相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Recent freshwater ichthyofauna from the Japanese islands is, in many respects, different from that of eastern China.


Large anadromous lamprey sometimes used as food; destructive of native fish fauna in the Great Lakes.


This article described four new records species as Sinocyxlocheilus brevis, Sinocyclocheilus lateristritus, Sinocyclocheilus oxycephalus and Discogobio mcrophysallidos of Cyprinidea, Cypriniformes were found in Libo county of Guizhou province,which sponsored by the Guizhou Natural Science Fund project-The study on the zoogeography and adaptive biological characteristics of cave fishes of west south karst area.


Keywords: marine fishes; monogenea; fauna and taxonomy; the Yellow Sea


Based on the systematic research on investigation and taxonomy of Botany and Zoology as well as application of the indigenous knowledge to utilization and conservation of biodiversity, the families and species of mammals, distribution types and habitat distribution of birds, and faunas of amphibian and reptiles, types and characteristics of the fish in the area were investigated and analyzed.


These ECOPATH models showed that the proportion of benthic invertebrates was higher, but that of macroalgae was lower in soft-coral-dominated systems than in stony-coral-dominated systems. Sedimented organic detritus was higher in sea-anemone-dominated systems.


更多网络解释与鱼类区系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ichthyodont鱼牙化石 | ichthyofauna鱼类区系 | ichthyoglyptus鱼形石英

Lota tata:江鳕

标准7 兴凯湖湿地有鱼类6 目12 科65 种,从区系组成上可分为5 种复合体,乌苏里白鲑(Coregonus ussuriensis)、江鳕(Lota tata) 2 种属北极淡水鱼类区系合体;黑斑狗鱼(Esox reicherti)等4 种为北方平原鱼类区系复合体;

Esox reicherti:黑斑狗鱼

标准7 兴凯湖湿地有鱼类6 目12 科65 种,从区系组成上可分为5 种复合体,乌苏里白鲑(Coregonus ussuriensis)、江鳕(Lota tata) 2 种属北极淡水鱼类区系合体;黑斑狗鱼(Esox reicherti)等4 种为北方平原鱼类区系复合体;


Ichthyodea鱼螈亚目 | ichthyodont鱼牙化石 | ichthyofauna鱼类区系

Silurus grahami:抚仙鲇

例如在抚仙湖25种土著鱼类中,凶猛鱼类只有2种,即:鲈鲤(Percocypris pingi regani)和抚仙鲇(Silurus grahami);仅占总种数的8%,明显低于长江中下游湖泊鱼类区系中凶猛鱼类的数量.