英语人>词典>汉英 : 魔女 的英文翻译,例句
魔女 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hag  ·  succuba  ·  hags

A Woman Possessed
更多网络例句与魔女相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Before the Gates there sat On either side a formidable shape; The one seem'd Woman to the waste, and fair, [ 650 ] But ended foul in many a scaly fould Voluminous and vast, a Serpent arm'd With mortal sting: about her middle round A cry of Hell Hounds never ceasing bark'd With wide Cerberian mouths full loud, and rung [ 655 ] A hideous Peal: yet, when they list, would creep, If aught disturb'd thir noyse, into her woomb, And kennel there, yet there still bark'd and howl'd Within unseen.


The use of the image of actress who fear the power of the witch, and a few hundred years later, the qvod 杀手面包师/面包师 resurrection of the witch shellfish excellent Nita while hunting a hit the side of the angels who look for clues to memory.


No matter quickly broadcasts the madman who to the eddy current crazy fan the movie loves, the succuba who perhaps the extreme strange evil spirit is swallowed by the eddy current sends.


Odine:Egh, Ultimecia Edea toldme everything.sorceress Ultimecia comes from ze future to possess ze sorceress of present day.

从以上这句活中可明显的知道Ultimecia 是一位来自未来的魔女她之前控制了魔女EDEA 。

Demon region " the client service personnel of 1376 tells game work number the reporter,"We discovered hag is small that day the spoil after graceful player may involve number of a few pilfer, so we undertook stopping counterpoising handling to her, we made a thorough investigation of after ten hours state, undertook again ' answer authority '.


Only very few reports on succubuses are to be found in the archives of Ferol.

魔女 在FEROL的文档里只找到很少一些关于魔女的资料,魔女是被踢出魔鬼世界的雌性恶魔,这种特殊的魔鬼利用异性魅力和幻觉来控制她的牺牲品。

Only very few reports on succubuses are to be found in the archives of Ferol. The succubus is a female devil which has been banned from the world of the demons.


This page is encountered when the evil ruler of a Witch book (016) bad-hearted doctor, Volume 1 for young offenders who get the wrong section, it provides the latest chapter of midnight, I hope you can come across as the evil witch Jun study found fun.


Such a event makes me remind the moe-focused anime "Strike Witches" of GONZO, most of the girls in the anime DON'T wear pants. What will the participants of No Pant Day think if they watch the anime "Strike Witches" and find that most of the girls in "Strike Witches" don't wear pants in most of the time?


Arachne, Medusa's older sister, has been labeled as a heretic by other witches and gets help primarily from the humans members of her organization Arachnophobia.

奥拉克尼,美杜莎的姐姐,被其他魔女视为异端,获得的支持力量主要来自她的组织&蜘蛛恐惧&(Arachnophobia 小魔煞??)的人类成员。

更多网络解释与魔女相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


本期大型专题...最热文章: DotA V6.64 中英文版发布下载以及更新日志 沙加开篇语:本周地英雄专题是来自从6.61中大改而脱颖而出地大热:魅惑魔女,就让俺们来看看这期地大型专题 森林地女神: 魅惑魔女(EncHantress) 资料收集:DotA.UUU9.CoM | 沙加 本专题为游久网编辑沙加独家制作、收集、整理,


请问HBO什麼时候会演 小魔女 (Matilda)这一部片呢?我不要以前的时段喔!!谢谢喔) ... 请问HBO什麼时候会演 小魔女 (Matilda)这一部片呢?我不要以前的时段喔!!谢谢喔))* 纬来育乐台 会播 小魔女 (Matilda)HBO不会重播日期时间片名108-1903:30~06: ......

Walpurgis Nacht:德国神话中魔女与魔男在山峰相聚的淫乱狂欢夜

[47] Odin,北欧神话中的主神. | [49] Walpurgis Nacht,德国神话中魔女与魔男在山峰相聚的淫乱狂欢夜. | [50] Vishnu,印度神话中的三大主神之一.

Wild-eyed crazy lady:狂眼魔女

# Bad-ass crazy lady|# 邪恶的魔女# | # Wild-eyed crazy lady|# 狂眼魔女# | # Bad-ass crazy lady|# 邪恶的魔女#

She's a wild-eyed crazy lady:她是个狂眼魔女

# Tak es no time for me to realise|# 我无暇去理会# | # She's a wild-eyed crazy lady|# 她是个狂眼魔女# | # Bad-ass crazy lady|# 邪恶的魔女#


"还有......要是在长谷会长的手下被视为'魔女'(注:本文所指的"魔女"(witch)并无性别之分,是以中世纪的猎捕魔女典故,来泛指身怀妖法之人. )的话,那可就讨厌了......"

Tobenai Majo:[不会飞翔的魔女]

- Trinity Blood [圣魔之血] | - Tobenai Majo [不会飞翔的魔女] | - Tokyo Babylon [东京巴比伦]

Dokidoki Majo Shinpan:(日本) (心跳魔女神判)魔女触摸类 详情 下载

1192 - Sakasete! Chibi-Robo! (日本) (开花吧!小机器人)动... | 1191 - Dokidoki Majo Shinpan! (日本) (心跳魔女神判)魔女触摸类 详情 下载 | 1189 - Wakabayashi Fumie no DS Kabu Lesson (日本) (若林史江的DS股票...

Dokidoki Majo Shinpan:(日本) (心跳魔女神判)魔女触摸类

1192 - Sakasete! Chibi-Robo! (日本) (開花吧!小機器人)動作冒... | 1191 - Dokidoki Majo Shinpan! (日本) (心跳魔女神判)魔女觸摸類 | 1189 - Wakabayashi Fumie no DS Kabu Lesson (日本) (若林史江的DS股票課程)股...

WitchHunt:魔女猎人 猎巫人(魔女狩怎么样

RoyalGuard皇家卫士 禁卫军(似乎有中国风味了,不怎么好啊) | WitchHunt 魔女猎人 猎巫人(魔女狩怎么样?) | Sacrier 狂战士 血祭者(这个比较难翻译......)