英语人>词典>汉英 : 鬼小孩 的英文翻译,例句
鬼小孩 的英文翻译、例句


elf child
更多网络例句与鬼小孩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dark Water is creepy, and there are more to its creepiness: A desperate, divorced woman with her daughter; a run-down apartment; a schoolbag; damp patches on the wall; a child's face, or is there a face?


Its contents mainly has:The daughter returns to natal home, the wall clock 馗 is like, facing a ghost ship and hiding noon, the noon leaf's sign, hang calamus , wormwood, swim 100 diseases, wear perfume satchel, have 牲醴, match Dragon Boat, ratio force, hit ball with racket, play on a swing, give kid red orpiment, drink red orpiment wine, the wine of calamus, eat five poisonous round flat cakes, salty egg, Zong-zis and the season fresh fruit etc., in addition to the activity of superstition color has already outside disappear gradually, the rest spreads the whole China up to now and close by various country.


The Buttah are normally associated with nightmares, abductions and the taking of small children.


更多网络解释与鬼小孩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


eleventhly 在第十一号 | elevon 补助翼 | elf child 鬼小孩

elf child:鬼小孩

elevon 补助翼 | elf child 鬼小孩 | elf fire 鬼火

Ghostly Family:鬼家庭

室友 Housemate | 鬼家庭 Ghostly Family | 我小孩 My Child

Ghostly Family:鬼家子

室友 Housemate | 鬼家子 Ghostly Family | 我小孩 My Chellold


邪尸 蛮横不讲理的人(多指不听话的小孩)抠(Kou)鬼 吝啬的人. 搅神 难讲话. 少知无识,没知识的. 猴子 调皮捣蛋的人. 好佬 厉害的人. 搭浆 不合要求,勉强凑数,意外. 死相 相貌丑到极点. 讲经 会挑剔. 歹怪 难看. 癔怪 难看,


出去,来到墓地,找到写有小孩的墓碑,掘墓,如果没有找到拨浪鼓(rattle)那样的东西,取档重来. 因为你只能挖5次,铲子就要坏掉. 有5个不同的鬼,现在难的是在一定的物体来对应一定的鬼,要认墓碑上的字,找出最适合的鬼来. 在完成这以后,

All Saint's Day:万圣节

今天很多人将十月三十一日的"万圣节前夕"(Halloween)认为是西方的鬼节,有许多小孩出来扮鬼,其实是误用天主教" 万圣节"(All Saint's Day)的意义.其由来如下:二.