英语人>词典>汉英 : 高龄 的英文翻译,例句
高龄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
agedness  ·  antiquity  ·  eld  ·  senility  ·  antiquities

advanced age · advanced in years · venerable age
更多网络例句与高龄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods combined treatment with psychology, surgery and traditional chinese medicine was applied to 80 senile patients with femoral fracture by earthquake.results the incision healing of the 80 cases reached i/a; cr showed good reduction of the fracture after operation; no bedsore and deep vein thrombosis occurred; no hip and knee anchylosis and no limb muscular atrophy were found; functional restoration advanced obviously.conclusions it is effective and necessary to provide combined treatment to senile patients with femoral fracture by earthquake.

对80例高龄股骨骨折患者采用心里、手术、中药、跨学科的康复综合治疗对治疗结果进行分析,总结经验。结果 80例患者手术后切口ⅰ/甲,cr片骨折对位对线好,无褥疮及下肢深静脉血栓形成,髋膝关节无僵硬、肢体肌肉无萎缩,功能康复明显提前。结论对地震伤高龄股骨骨折患者采取心里、手术、中药、跨学科的康复综合治疗是必须的,可行的。地震伤;高龄骨折;治疗

Objective To compare the effect and safety on senility patient operated in coxa with different anaesthesia in vertebra tube, and discuss aptitude anaesthesia method to senility patient operated in coxa.


Our country is becoming a community which has more and more senile people. Owing to debility on physiology and psychology, descension on social class of senile people, there will be some change on traffic characteristic and traffic demand of them. So it is necessary to study the applicability of pavement for senile people.


This paper tries to make analyses of the oldest-old in China in terms of the current situation and the trend of the oldest-old in China with the purpose of finding out the problems of the oldest-old and giving some immaturely proposals.


At last, there are some immaturely proposals for us to deal with the problems of the oldest-old in China: the first is enhancing a sustained development of the economy; secondly, making some feasible laws and systems; thirdly, cultivating the all-around oldest-old awareness; fourthly, making the age-providing system and medical system that has Chinese characteristics; fifthly, we should pay more attention to the female oldest-old in the country.


Methods 64 octogenarian patients with dyspnea were diagnosed definitely according to case history, physical exanimation, and laboratory examination.


Methods 64 octogenarian patients with dyspnea were diagnosed defin/tely according to case history, physical examination, and labemtory examination.


BNP play a important role in differential diagnosis of dyspnea as in the octogenarian as in the common gerontism, but BNP prognostic value in the octogenarian was influenced by aging, which must be recognized in differential diagnosis.


They were divided into octogenarian heart failure group (33 case) and octogenarian non-heart failure group (31 case), accordingly with 60-79 years gerontism patients as control group.


Results Elderly constipated patients had more sever constipation compared with elderly collators,but their subjective symptoms were less severe.


更多网络解释与高龄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agedness:老年, 高龄

aged 老年的, 陈年的 | agedness 老年, 高龄 | ageing 老化, 成熟, 老人


elchee 大使 | eld 高龄 | elder 年长者

elderly primipara:高龄初产妇

2、子宫因素 子宫发育不良、子宫畸形(如双角子宫等)、子宫壁过度膨胀(如双胎、巨大胎儿、羊水过多等)、经产妇(multipara)子宫肌纤维变性或子宫肌瘤等,均能引起子宫收缩乏力. 3、精神因素 初产妇(primipara)[尤其是35岁以上高龄初产妇(elderly primipara)],精神过度紧张使大脑皮层功能紊乱,睡眠少...

Golden offerings:高龄给付

General economic conditions:一般经济状况 | Golden offerings:高龄给付 | Good faith bargaining:真诚的谈判

Golden offerings:高龄付给

G General economic conditions:一般经济状态 | Golden offerings:高龄付给 | Good faith bargaining:朴拙的谈判

old-age allowance:高龄津贴

64.地面塌陷 earth sinking | 65.高龄津贴 old-age allowance | 66.纪律渺茫 outside chance

old-age allowance:高龄津贴;"生果金

Oi Man Elderly Centre [Yang Memorial Social Service Centre] 爱民老人中心(杨震社会服务中心) | old age allowance 高龄津贴;"生果金" | old age supplement 老人补助金

Youth is full of pleasance, age is full of care:青春充满愉快,高龄满怀忧虑

2380 Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance. 愤怒以... | 2381 Youth is full of pleasance, age is full of care. 青春充满愉快,高龄满怀忧虑. | 2382 Who will not keep a penny never shall have many...


senhorita 小姐 | senile 高龄的 | senility 高龄


senile 高龄的 | senility 高龄 | senior citizen 老年人