英语人>词典>汉英 : 高音的 的英文翻译,例句
高音的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
high  ·  piping  ·  sopranino

更多网络例句与高音的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But he would get on and sing this song"I wish that i were married."at the top of his lung and then pull a Dixie cup out from under the windbreaker he always wore and walk up and down the car waiting for contributions.


The latter thought he had achieved prodigies of technique and ornamentation, only for Farinelli to surpass him so much that he "was at last silenced only by the acclamations of the audience"(to quote the music historian Charles Burney — this account cannot be verified one way or the other, since no surviving work which Farinelli is known to have performed at this time contains an aria for soprano with trumpet obbligato).

而后者认为他在吹奏技巧与装饰音上已达到天才的境界,只有Farinelli能远远压过他,最后吹奏者只能被听众的欢呼声嘘下来。(引用音乐史学家Charles Burney的话-这种说法其实无法以这种或其他方法证实。因为没有残存的作品可以证明Farinelli在此时的表演包含著以喇叭为高音的咏叹调伴奏。

If you buy a bat detector you can pick up their high-pitched echo-location calls as well.


His voice began on a medium key and climbed steadily up till it reached a certain point,where it bore with strong emphasis upon the topmost word and then plunged down as if from a spring-board


His voice began on a medium key and climbed steadily up till it reached a certain point, where it bore with strong emphasis upon the topmost word and then plunged down as if from a spring-board: Shall I be car-ri-ed toe the skies, on flow'ry beds of ease, Whilst others fight to win the prize, and sail thro' blood-y seas?


If you don't also want to change the bass/treble response, you will need to change the capacitor as well.


At the climax, it sounds like a man bemoaning a death sentence, only in glorious upper-register because he can.


But the meaty classic-rock riffs and soaring chorus suggesthe's just fine.


Without them, many sounds become uncomfortably loud almost as soon as they can be detected.


He can sing treble born a good voice, Eastbourne England is a school choir's solo singers.


更多网络解释与高音的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Squalid 肮脏的,卑劣的 | Bellicose 好战的,爱打架的 | Acute 敏锐的,高音的,急性的

treble clef:高音谱号

要了解在各种不同的五线谱中音高的位置,最常见的是高音谱号( treble clef )和低音谱号( Bass Clef ) 两种了. ...高音符号的英文(treble clef) 的Clef 是出自拉丁文Clavis('key'的意思),

You're so hot when you go into head voice:你飙高音的时候最性感了

Was I sleepwalking? 梦游 | You're so hot when you go into head voice. 你飙高音的时候最性感了. | It's nasty. 下流的

Berceuses du Chat for Mezzo-Soprano:次女高音的《猫的摇篮曲>

20: --沉重的Pesante 01:08 | 次女高音的>Berceuses du Chat for Mezzo-Soprano | 21: --在火炉上On the Stove 00:43

Soprano Saxophone:高音萨克斯风

而在 爵士乐、 流行乐 里是以中音、次中音为主. 所有的萨克斯风指法基本都是一样的,吹奏者可以不用指法练习就更换乐器. 高音萨克斯风 (Soprano Saxophone) 通常为降B调,是萨克斯家族中音调第二高的乐器,仅此於超高音萨克斯风(Sopranino),管的体积也是第二小.

Soprano Saxophone:高音萨克斯管

最常用的有三种萨克斯管:降B高音萨克斯管(Soprano saxophone). 降E中音萨克斯管(Alto saxophone). 降B次中音萨克斯管(Tenor saxophone). 几种萨克斯管的指法完全相同,全都是移调乐器,用高音谱表记谱. 法国作曲家柏辽兹曾经写到:"萨克斯的主要特点是音色美妙变化,




clawless | (花)无(瓣)爪的 | clawlike | 爪状的 | claxon | 电喇叭商标名,电喇叭,高音喇叭;高音气笛

Berceuses du Chat for Mezzo-Soprano:次女高音的《猫的摇篮曲>

20: --沉重的Pesante 01:08 | 次女高音的<<猫的摇篮曲>>Berceuses du Chat for Mezzo-Soprano | 21: --在火炉上On the Stove 00:43

Yen Town Band-my way:看过《燕尾蝶》的朋友应该知道这歌,本来是灵歌的,但经她演绎,我觉得更像灵歌

9.stratovarius-Forever这是个力量金属乐队,却有一首... | 10.Yen Town Band-my way看过<<燕尾蝶>>的朋友应该知道这歌,本来是灵歌的,但经她演绎,我觉得更像灵歌 | 11.stealheart-she is gone悲情摇滚,主唱的四个高音的...